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How to Print Text In Web Assembly



Is there any way to print text onto the window directly in web assembly instead of having to pass string data into javascript, or print to the console?

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Cpp plus 1 Avatar asked Jul 07 '17 16:07

Cpp plus 1

3 Answers

No. WebAssembly can't directly manipulate the DOM yet. For now you must use Javascript glue. It is a planned future feature however.

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Ghillie Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10


You may try to draw text with OpenGL, by using OGLFT or similar library.

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roof Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10


The answer is still no, and it will remain no. It is central to the design of Wasm that it does not have any built-in functionality that depends on a given environment (because it is intended to be embeddable in many different environments) or that gives Wasm code the capability to manipulate its environment other than through explicit imports (because that would break the ability to sandbox a Wasm module).

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Andreas Rossberg Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Andreas Rossberg