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How to print double quotes inside ""?

People also ask

How do you use double quotes inside a quote?

In American English, use double quotation marks for quotations and single quotation marks for quotations within quotations. In British English, use single quotation marks for quotations and double quotation marks for quotations within quotations.

How can you include a double quote inside a double quoted string?

If you need to use the double quote inside the string, you can use the backslash character. Notice how the backslash in the second line is used to escape the double quote characters. And the single quote can be used without a backslash.

With a backslash before the double quote you want to insert in the String:

let sentence = "They said \"It's okay\", didn't they?"

Now sentence is:

They said "It's okay", didn't they?

It's called "escaping" a character: you're using its literal value, it will not be interpreted.

With Swift 4 you can alternatively choose to use the """ delimiter for literal text where there's no need to escape:

let sentence = """
They said "It's okay", didn't they?
Yes, "okay" is what they said.

This gives:

They said "It's okay", didn't they?
Yes, "okay" is what they said.

With Swift 5 you can use enhanced delimiters:

String literals can now be expressed using enhanced delimiters. A string literal with one or more number signs (#) before the opening quote treats backslashes and double-quote characters as literal unless they’re followed by the same number of number signs. Use enhanced delimiters to avoid cluttering string literals that contain many double-quote or backslash characters with extra escapes.

Your string now can be represented as:

let sentence = #"They said "It's okay", didn't they?"#

And if you want add variable to your string you should also add # after backslash:

let sentence = #"My "homepage" is \#(url)"#

For completeness, from Apple docs:

String literals can include the following special characters:

  • The escaped special characters \0 (null character), \ (backslash), \t (horizontal tab), \n (line feed), \r (carriage return), \" (double quote) and \' (single quote)
  • An arbitrary Unicode scalar, written as \u{n}, where n is a 1–8 digit hexadecimal number with a value equal to a valid Unicode code point

which means that apart from being able to escape the character with backslash, you can use the unicode value. Following two statements are equivalent:

let myString = "I love \"unnecessary\" quotation marks"
let myString = "I love \u{22}unnecessary\u{22} quotation marks"

myString would now contain:

I love "unnecessary" quotation marks

According to your needs, you may use one of the 4 following patterns in order to print a Swift String that contains double quotes in it.

1. Using escaped double quotation marks

String literals can include special characters such as \":

let string = "A string with \"double quotes\" in it."
print(string) //prints: A string with "double quotes" in it.

2. Using Unicode scalars

String literals can include Unicode scalar value written as \u{n}:

let string = "A string with \u{22}double quotes\u{22} in it."
print(string) //prints: A string with "double quotes" in it.

3. Using multiline string literals (requires Swift 4)

The The Swift Programming Language / Strings and Characters states:

Because multiline string literals use three double quotation marks instead of just one, you can include a double quotation mark (") inside of a multiline string literal without escaping it.

let string = """
A string with "double quotes" in it.
print(string) //prints: A string with "double quotes" in it.

4. Using raw string literals (requires Swift 5)

The The Swift Programming Language / Strings and Characters states:

You can place a string literal within extended delimiters to include special characters in a string without invoking their effect. You place your string within quotation marks (") and surround that with number signs (#). For example, printing the string literal #"Line 1\nLine 2"# prints the line feed escape sequence (\n) rather than printing the string across two lines.

let string = #"A string with "double quotes" in it."#
print(string) //prints: A string with "double quotes" in it.