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How to prevent Visual Studio to prompt to upgrade projects .NET 4 to .NET 4.5

I have a solution in with project in C#, C++/CLI targeted to .NET 4 and with some dependencies in .NET4. When I open this solution in Visual Studio 2013 it prompts for upgrading the solution. Some developers in our remote teams don't read the messagebox and just press OK. The dependencies are not compatible after project upgrade and then they are mailing me that the solution cannot be built.


Is there some way to turn off this prompts for .NET Framework upgrade?

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Tomas Kubes Avatar asked Feb 07 '23 10:02

Tomas Kubes

1 Answers

Put the following line in the global property section of your project file.


in context:

<PropertyGroup Label="Globals">

Works for Visual Studio 2015 & 2017 as well.

You will need to remove it when you want to do the upgrade.

Source: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dsvc/2015/12/13/migration-from-vs2012-to-vs2015-ide-only-throws-compiler-upgrade-warning/

like image 56
Joe Schrag Avatar answered Feb 08 '23 23:02

Joe Schrag