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How to prevent sbt from running integration tests?

Maven surefire-plugin doesn't run integration tests (they named with "IT" suffix by convention), but sbt runs both: unit and integration. So, how to prevent this behaviour? Is there a common way to distinguish integration and unit tests for ScalaTest (don't run FeatureSpec-tests by default)

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dk14 Avatar asked Dec 14 '12 11:12


People also ask

Does sbt run tests in parallel?

By default, sbt executes tasks in parallel (subject to the ordering constraints already described) in an effort to utilize all available processors. Also by default, each test class is mapped to its own task to enable executing tests in parallel.

Can we skip integration testing?

So don't skip unit tests just because you have an integration test and don't skip integration tests because you have unit tests. One trick you can do to save some code is to make your tests work both as unit and integration by allowing them to mock or not mock dependencies depending on an input or setting.

Does sbt test compile?

The following commands will make sbt watch for source changes in the Test and Compile (default) configurations respectively and re-run the compile command. Note that because Test / compile depends on Compile / compile , source changes in the main source directory will trigger recompilation of the test sources.

Is it necessary to perform integration testing?

The short answer is yes. For software to work properly, all units should integrate and perform as they're expected to. To ensure this is the case, you will need to perform integration tests.

2 Answers

How to do that is exactly documented on the sbt manual on http://www.scala-sbt.org/release/docs/Detailed-Topics/Testing#additional-test-configurations-with-shared-sources :

import sbt._
import Keys._

object B extends Build {
  lazy val root =
    Project("root", file("."))
      .configs( FunTest )
      .settings( inConfig(FunTest)(Defaults.testTasks) : _*)
         libraryDependencies += specs,
         testOptions in Test := Seq(Tests.Filter(itFilter)),
         testOptions in FunTest := Seq(Tests.Filter(unitFilter))

  def itFilter(name: String): Boolean = name endsWith "ITest"
  def unitFilter(name: String): Boolean = (name endsWith "Test") && !itFilter(name)

  lazy val FunTest = config("fun") extend(Test)
  lazy val specs = "org.scala-tools.testing" %% "specs" % "1.6.8" % "test"

Call sbt test for unit tests and sbt fun:test for integration test and sbt test fun:test for both.

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Schleichardt Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10


The simplest way with the latest sbt is just to apply IntegrationTest config and corresponding settings as described here, - and you put your tests in src/it/scala directory in your project.

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Ilya Klyuchnikov Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10

Ilya Klyuchnikov