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How to prevent PhpStorm from reassigning file types?



I am currently evaluating PhpStorm as an alternative to Aptana Studio, we use right now. But one issue really annoys.

We use the *.tpl file extension for our PHP templates. This file type is usually mapped to Smarty. It was quite easy to set this to "PHP files (PHP)". But each time I restart PhpStorm, I get this message:

File type recognized: File extension *.tpl was reassigned to Smarty

So it maps the file type back to Smarty. If I try to "Revert" it through the "Event log", it will than map it to "Text files" but not back to PHP.

So, how can I prevent PhpStrom from touching my manual changes are keep the mapping to PHP (and not to Smarty)?

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2ndkauboy Avatar asked Oct 01 '22 19:10


1 Answers

So the following method would work:

Without touching the configuration:

  1. Change the file type mapping through the Preferences > Editor > File Types setting
  2. Restart PhpStorm
  3. As soon as the "File type recognized" message appears, click the "Revert" links (see question)
  4. Redo step 1

Now PhpStorm should not map it back again.

With touching the configuration files:

In your user profile, you should have a folder .WebIde70/config/options (or something similar) and there you should have a file called filetypes.xml (if not create an empty one), where you can set the mapping and prevent PhpStorm from reverting it. Here is a simple example with only the mapping for my question:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <component name="FileTypeManager" version="11">
    <ignoreFiles list="CVS;SCCS;RCS;rcs;.DS_Store;.svn;.pyc;.pyo;*.pyc;*.pyo;.git;*.hprof;_svn;.hg;*.lib;*~;__pycache__;.bundle;*.rbc;" />
      <mapping ext="tpl" type="PHP" />
      <removed_mapping ext="tpl" approved="true" type="Smarty" />

As you can see, the settings file not only sets the new mapping, but also removes the original mapping for the Smarty template.

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2ndkauboy Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10
