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How to Prevent Nancy From Caching Views




I've started testing out Nancy in self-host mode. So far, so good apart from one issue that's irking me: How do I prevent it from caching my views while developing?

I did notice a comment that view caching is supposed to be disabled in Debug mode but it doesn't seem to be working for me - I have to restart my application whenever I make a change to the HTML.

I'm using Nancy 0.10 with the built-in super simple view engine and .html files.

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Nick Cox Avatar asked Mar 02 '12 13:03

Nick Cox

People also ask

How do I disable caching in Visual Studio?

You can point cache dir to null using startup arguments for chrome. This will disable any caching.

2 Answers

Caching is disabled by default in debug-mode. The only thing I can think of is that there might be a bug on the debug-mode detection while running in a self-host (i.e a non web-project).

Could you please try the following

  • Make sure your are building in debug-mode and check the value of StaticConfiguration.DisableCaches and let me know if it is true or false
  • Explicitly try setting StaticConfiguration.DisableCaches to true and see if it stops caching your view

If DisableCaches is true then it ignores to use the cache in the DefaultViewCache type https://github.com/NancyFx/Nancy/blob/master/src/Nancy/ViewEngines/DefaultViewCache.cs#L30

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TheCodeJunkie Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10


TheCodeJunkies answer works for version 1.x of Nancy.

For 2.x of Nancy the runtimeViewDiscovery and runtimeViewUpdates properties handle if views are cached or not. This can be changed in your NancyBootstrapper class, like so:

public class NancyBootstrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
    public override void Configure(INancyEnvironment environment)
        environment.Views(runtimeViewDiscovery: true, runtimeViewUpdates: true);
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SyntaxRules Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10
