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How to prevent modification to array data?




Say I have a class that looks like this (this is just an example):

class A {
    double *ptr;
    A() : ptr( new double[100] ) {}
    A( const A &other ) {
        other.ptr[7] = 15;
    void doNotChangeMyData() const {
        ptr[43] = 14;
    void changeMyData() {
        ptr[43] = 14;
    ~A() { delete[] ptr; }

The const in both the copy constructor and the doNotChangeMyData function make it so that ptr cannot be changed; however, this still allows me to modify the contents of the array pointed to by ptr.

Is there a way to prevent the contents of ptr's array from being changed in const instances only, short of "being careful" (or changing away from raw pointer)?

I know I could do something like

void doNotChangeMyData() const {
    const double *const ptr = this->ptr;
    ptr[43] = 14; // then this would fail to compile

But I'd rather not have to ...

like image 289
ChrisMM Avatar asked Dec 10 '19 12:12


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1 Answers

Pointers do not propagate const. Adding const to the type double* yields double* const, which results in a non-const lvalue when dereferenced.

Instead, you can use a std::vector:

class A {
    std::vector<double> data(100);
    // no explicit copy ctor or dtor

a std::array:

class A {
    std::array<double, 100> data{};
    // no explicit copy ctor or dtor

or a builtin array (not recommended):

class A {
    double data[100] {};
    // no explicit copy ctor or dtor

All of the three options propagate const.

If you really want to use pointers (not recommended), consider using a std::unique_ptr to avoid manual memory management. You can use the std::experimental::propagate_const wrapper from the library fundamentals 2 TS: (using raw arrays with unique_ptr has some complications, as mentioned in a comment below)

#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <experimental/propagate_const>

class A {
    std::experimental::propagate_const<std::unique_ptr<std::array<double, 100>>> ptr;
        : ptr{std::make_unique<std::array<double, 100>>()}
    // manual copy ctor
    A(const A& other)
        : ptr{std::make_unique<std::array<double, 100>>(*other.ptr)}
    // defaulted move ctor & dtor
    // assignment operator, etc.
    // ...

It's not in the standard yet, but many compilers support it. Of course, this approach is inferior to the proper containers.

like image 185
L. F. Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10

L. F.