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How to prevent Meteor from watching files?




I would like to use Dojo Toolkit with Meteor.

  1. I first copy the whole Dojo Toolkit tree in /public

  2. Then, I include it on the client side with:

    <script src="/dojo/dojo.js" data-dojo-config="async: true"></script>`

Everything works fine, except Meteor is actually monitoring every single file in /public for changes, so that it can restart the server. This is actually causing a very long delay during the first request on localhost:3000.

Is there a way of preventing Meteor from watching files from a certain directory?

Dojo Toolkit is 10k+ files so I get the EMFILE error stated here, corrected with

sudo sh -c 'echo 16384 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches'
like image 871
Mathieu Avatar asked Jul 16 '12 13:07


2 Answers

realised this is duplicate to: generating and serving static files with Meteor

see: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/437

This was a major problem for me. I have to serve ~12000 static images, which I initially put into the public folder. This caused node to use nearly 100% of one CPU core, constantly. With limited memory the app crashes.

The workaround I'm using for the moment

  • create the folder public/.#static/ and move all static assets into it. This folder isn't watched by meteor
  • prefix urls with static (/img/cat.png -> /static/img/cat.png)
  • install the mime npm package

    cd ~/.meteor/tools/latest/lib/node_modules/
    npm install mime
  • create a rawConnectionHandler to serve the assets (credits to: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20358612) server/static_files_handler.coffee

    fs = Npm.require('fs')
    mime = Npm.require('mime')
    WebApp.rawConnectHandlers.use (req, res, next) ->
      re = /^\/static\/(.*)$/.exec(req.url)
      if re isnt null # Only handle URLs that start with /static/*
        filePath = process.env.PWD + "/public/.#static/" + re[1]
        type = mime.lookup(filePath)
        data = fs.readFileSync(filePath, data)
        res.writeHead 200,
          "Content-Type": type
        res.write data
      else # Other urls will have default behaviors

Limitations of this approach:

  • not suitable to serve assets with query parameters. The regex would also match /static/html/image.html?src=/static/img/cat.png trying to serve a file with the filename including the parameters. This is easy to change.
  • Meteor is completely unaware of the files, they therefore don't get included into the appcache manifest. If you want to make them available offline, check out the addPaths option I added to https://github.com/buildhybrid/appcache-extra

If you don't want to work around the problems, consider serving the assets from an external service (ex. AWS S3).

like image 56
patte Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 09:11


This is a big issue for large scale applications built in Meteor. I talked to Matt over at Meteor, and he said that their team is working on a solution to this problem for one of their upcoming releases. So get on their newsletter, and you'll be notified when it is available.

Mathieu, your comment:

I finally found a workaround. I'm putting everything in /public/lib/. Then, line 286 of /usr/lib/meteor/app/run.js, I'm adding the folder I don't want Meteor to watch: self.exclude_paths = [ path.join(app_dir, '.meteor', 'local'), path.join(app_dir, 'public', 'lib') ]; This way I can have as much files as I want in lib, and they don't slow everything down. include path is '/lib/dojo/dojo.js'.

is a good hack for now, and here are the other issues that relate that will also be covered in the upcoming release:

  • Some packages have overlapping dependencies, but do not exclude them like in PHP's require_once().

  • A native require / define dynamic script loader, so not all files are loaded on entry one that can calculate dependency order without having to go levels, lib or main.*

  • An official way to create and deploy packages to a repository. Currently it is using Meteorite (mrt) and Atmosphere.

like image 2
Eric Leroy Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 08:11

Eric Leroy