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How to prevent HtmlGenericControl from html-encoding content?


I'm writing an asp.net site (actually, a DotNetNuke module), using C#. From code-behind, I'm trying to create a <script> tag where I set a required js variable, then append it to the HMTL <head>. The js var is a (literal) array of relative urls for image files. Since the array contains strings, each item must be enclosed in quotes.

The problem is, the string between <script> and </script> is being automatically HtmlEncoded somewhere, so the quotes around each array item are being replaced with &quot;. That seems to take place when the HtmlGenericControl is rendered. Could DotNetNuke be the culprit? Could someone suggest a workaround?

My current code (running from Page_Load handler in my control):

HtmlGenericControl PreviewDataScriptTag = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
PreviewDataScriptTag.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript");
StringBuilder PreviewDataScriptCode = new StringBuilder();
PreviewDataScriptCode.Append("var preview_imgs = [");
string pathPrefix = @"""";
string pathSuffix = @""",";
foreach (string path in this.DocPreviewImages)
    PreviewDataScriptCode.Append(pathPrefix + PreviewUrlBase + Path.GetFileName(path) + pathSuffix);
// Remove last comma from js code
PreviewDataScriptCode.Remove(PreviewDataScriptCode.Length-1, 1);
PreviewDataScriptTag.InnerText = PreviewDataScriptCode.ToString();