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How to prevent AngularJS from making lowercase HTML attributes




I am trying to render some SVG with AngularJS but I can't dynamically change the viewbox of the svg element.

Angular renders a 'viewbox' attribute, but browsers expect a 'viewBox' attribute. So the result is:

<svg height="151px" width="1366px" viewBox="{{ mapViewbox }}" viewbox="-183 425 1366 151">

How can I get the result I expect:

<svg height="151px" width="1366px" viewBox="-183 425 1366 151">


like image 930
lud Avatar asked Jan 30 '13 00:01


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2 Answers

See if this directive works:

app.directive('vbox', function() {
  return {
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
      attrs.$observe('vbox', function(value) {
        element.attr('viewBox', value);


<svg height="151px" width="1366px" vbox="{{ mapViewbox }}">

Plnkr. You'll need to "Inspect element" or "View source" to see the svg tag.

Update: If your app includes jQuery, see Does the attr() in jQuery force lowercase?

@Niahoo found that this worked if jQuery is included (he made an edit to this post, but for some reason, other SO moderators rejected it... I liked it though, so here it is):

 element.get(0).setAttribute("viewBox", value);
like image 143
Mark Rajcok Avatar answered Jan 27 '23 21:01

Mark Rajcok

Looking for a solution myself I came upon this answer the correct way to achieve this is by using pattern transform ng-attr-view_box

like image 37
probinson Avatar answered Jan 27 '23 22:01
