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How to present list/table of properties in material design?

I am refactoring an old web app into React and Material-UI, and I find myself stuck when trying to find the proper way of presenting a "property table". I have looked into several data table implementations, but neither a data table nor Material-UI's List seems to be the right tool for the work.

Data tables are meant for each row having the same properties (columns) repated for different entities, whilst I need a kind of table where each row is a key+value presentation. I will call it a property table unless someone can tell me there is already a better name.

Below is a picture of current view in the refactored app (contains only test data). I realize I might need to think differently and not just copy the old structures.

So what would be the correct way to present a similar list of properties with Material Design?

A "property table" listing key+value properties

like image 238
Leif John Avatar asked Jul 22 '19 10:07

Leif John

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Double-click the table name in the grid. Select names of tables in the grid, then right-click and select Display Rows from the shortcut menu, or select Display Rows from the File menu.

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1 Answers

I seem to find no explicit component or view type for my "property table", so I will simply make a table with Material-UI <Table>component, and skip the header.

enter image description here

like image 58
Leif John Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 22:11

Leif John