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How to populate markers in vue2-google-maps

I'm really new to the whole js and I don't know much of the code.This is the package : https://github.com/xkjyeah/vue-google-maps

And this has to be submitted next tomorrow. But here is what i've done so far. When i click on the button. I gotta show the markers in the map .

enter image description here

That is the result in my devtools after clicking on the button that has @click="showRoute"


this.fetchDeliveries() ;    

//I want then to populate the map with the marker with the given lat, lng in 
 the response

on it and then

like image 840
TheBAST Avatar asked Dec 05 '22 12:12


1 Answers

Not enough data, but here is a working example of component which populates markers with data from your coordinates object

  <gmap-map ref="mymap" :center="startLocation" :zoom="14" style="width: 100%; height: 300px">
    <gmap-info-window :options="infoOptions" :position="infoPosition" :opened="infoOpened" @closeclick="infoOpened=false">
    <gmap-marker v-for="(item, key) in coordinates" :key="key" :position="getPosition(item)" :clickable="true" @click="toggleInfo(item, key)" />

export default {
  data: {
    startLocation: {
      lat: 10.3157,
      lng: 123.8854
    coordinates: {
      0: {
        full_name: 'Erich  Kunze',
        lat: '10.31',
        lng: '123.89'
      1: {
        full_name: 'Delmer Olson',
        lat: '10.32',
        lng: '123.89'
    infoPosition: null,
    infoContent: null,
    infoOpened: false,
    infoCurrentKey: null,
    infoOptions: {
      pixelOffset: {
        width: 0,
        height: -35
  methods: {
    getPosition: function(marker) {
      return {
        lat: parseFloat(marker.lat),
        lng: parseFloat(marker.lng)
    toggleInfo: function(marker, key) {
      this.infoPosition = this.getPosition(marker)
      this.infoContent = marker.full_name
      if (this.infoCurrentKey == key) {
        this.infoOpened = !this.infoOpened
      } else {
        this.infoOpened = true
        this.infoCurrentKey = key

Working fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/burlakko/kc8Ljejv/31/

like image 132
Danny Matkovsky Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 01:12

Danny Matkovsky