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How to point to localhost:8000 with the Dart http package in Flutter?

People also ask

How do you call a localhost flutter?

You can tell it to use a fixed port and then that becomes the port you need to include in your allowed origins. Add --web-hostname=localhost --web-port=9999 as command line parameters to where you run your main. dart , then add localhost:9999 as an allowed origin.

Replacing the string localhost with resolved it for me, since I was running the code in the Android emulator, which is running in a VM. It's essentially a duplicate of this question.

replace 'localhost' in your url to wifi connection ip e.g : 'http://localhost:8000' => ''. you can get your wifi ip from command prompt with cmd>ipconfig (wireless LAN adapter WI-FI.

var url = '';
Future<String> getUnits(String category) async {
    var response = await httpClient.get('$url/$category');
    return response.body;

If you are using an Android emulator then localhost on the emulator is not it is, so, on Android emulator you need to write, the will not work on real device too. because localhost means something different on real device.

For more information on how to connect a Flutter app to localhost on emulator or on a real device click on the link Connecting Flutter application to Localhost

Short answer: You can pass an Uri instead of a string as parameter

      var client = createHttpClient();
      client.get(new Uri.http("locahost:8000", "/category"));

I had the same problem, so apparently, I found a solution for this problem, so because you are in a virtual environment with your phone you cant use the localhost because the phone is not connected with your PC so simply, in my case, it worked, just use: 

use this URL with your Port and it should work :)