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how to plugin custom viewengine in MVC 6 beta7?

in beta6 we were able to plugin a custom viewengine like this:

.AddViewOptions(options =>


this no longer works in beta7 and options.ViewEngines seems to have changed to an


I don't understand how to plug one in without having to new it up and provide its dependencies

options.ViewEngines.Add(new it up here?);

How can I plug in my own custom viewengine in beta7?

like image 262
Joe Audette Avatar asked Sep 05 '15 17:09

Joe Audette

1 Answers

I figured it out, before calling


I need to add my viewengine to DI

services.TryAddSingleton<IRazorViewEngine, MyCustomViewEngine>();
like image 131
Joe Audette Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

Joe Audette