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How to plot/visualize a C50 decision tree in R?

I am using the C50 decision tree algorithm. I am able to build the tree and get the summaries, but cannot figure out how to plot or viz the tree.

My C50 model is called credit_model

In other decision tree packages, I usually use something like plot(credit_model). In rpart it is rpart.plot(credit_model).

What is the equivalent in the C50 algorithm to plot?

like image 264
mpg Avatar asked Jan 22 '14 03:01


2 Answers

Right now, there are none built in. I've been working on an adapter for the partykit package (e.g. as.party) but have not gotten very far.


like image 114
topepo Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 16:10


You can use the following routine, to directly convert the decision tree into GraphViz dot language (and then plot it with GraphViz - a previous installation of GraphViz (http://www.graphviz.org/) is required).

Edit: Version 2 included hereinafter, which is able to handle multi-branched trees (version 1 could handle trees with only two splits). Version 2.2 corrects a missing initialization.

Example calling within R:

treeModel <- C5.0(x = churnTrain[, -20], y = churnTrain$churn)
C5.0.graphviz(treeModel, 'C:\\mydotfile.txt')

Then from the operating system (OS, e.g. a Windows command prompt):

dot -Tpng 'C:\mydotfile.txt' > 'C:\mygraph.png'

You can then open the mygraph.png file as a PNG (bitmap) and use it in your application.

For further details, here's the original post: http://r-project-thanos.blogspot.de/2014/09/plot-c50-decision-trees-in-r.html

   C5.0.graphviz <- function( C5.0.model,   filename, fontname ='Arial',
       col.draw ='black',col.font ='blue',col.conclusion ='lightpink',
       col.question = 'grey78', shape.conclusion ='box3d',shape.question ='diamond', 
       bool.substitute = 'None', prefix=FALSE, vertical=TRUE ) {

    treeout <- C5.0.model$output
    treeout<- substr(treeout,   cpos(treeout, 'Decision tree:', start=1)+14,nchar(treeout))
    treeout<- substr(treeout,   1,cpos(treeout, 'Evaluation on training data', start=1)-2)
    variables <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=500, ncol=4)) 
    names(variables) <- c('SYMBOL','TOKEN', 'TYPE' , 'QUERY') 
    connectors <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=500, ncol=3)) 
    names(connectors) <- c('TOKEN', 'START','END')
    theStack <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=500, ncol=1)) 
    names(theStack) <- c('ITEM')
    theStackIndex <- 1
    currentvar <- 1
    currentcon <- 1
    open_connection <- TRUE
    previousindent <- -1
    firstindent <- 4
    substitutes <- data.frame(None=c('= 0','= 1'), yesno=c('no','yes'),
        truefalse=c('false', 'true'),TF=c('F','T'))
    dtreestring<-unlist( scan(text= treeout,   sep='\n', what =list('character')))  

    for (linecount in c(1:length(dtreestring))) {
        shortstring <- str_trim(dtreestring[linecount], side='left')
        leadingspaces <- nchar(dtreestring[linecount]) - nchar(shortstring)
        lineindent <- leadingspaces/4
        dtreestring[linecount]<-str_trim(dtreestring[linecount], side='left') 
            while (!is.na(cpos(dtreestring[linecount], ':   ', start=1)) ) {
                        lineindent<-lineindent + 1 
                            ifelse(is.na(cpos(dtreestring[linecount], ':   ', start=1)), 1,
                            cpos(dtreestring[linecount], ':   ', start=1)+4),
                            nchar(dtreestring[linecount]) )
                        shortstring <- str_trim(dtreestring[linecount], side='left')
                        leadingspaces <- nchar(dtreestring[linecount]) - nchar(shortstring)
                        lineindent <- lineindent + leadingspaces/4
                        dtreestring[linecount]<-str_trim(dtreestring[linecount], side='left')   
        if (!is.na(cpos(dtreestring[linecount], ':...', start=1)))
                lineindent<- lineindent +  1 
                ifelse(is.na(cpos(dtreestring[linecount], ':...', start=1)), 1,
                cpos(dtreestring[linecount], ':...', start=1)+4),
                nchar(dtreestring[linecount]) )
        stringlist <- strsplit(dtreestring[linecount],'\\:')
        stringpart <- strsplit(unlist(stringlist)[1],'\\s')
        if (open_connection==TRUE) { 
                    variables[currentvar,'TOKEN'] <- unlist(stringpart)[1]
                    variables[currentvar,'SYMBOL'] <- paste('node',as.character(currentvar), sep='')
                    variables[currentvar,'TYPE'] <- shape.question
                    variables[currentvar,'QUERY'] <- 1
                    theStack[theStackIndex,'INDENT'] <-firstindent 
                    currentvar <- currentvar + 1
                    if(currentvar>2) {  
                    connectors[currentcon - 1,'END'] <- variables[currentvar - 1, 'SYMBOL']
        connectors[currentcon,'TOKEN'] <- paste(unlist(stringpart)[2],unlist(stringpart)[3])
        if (connectors[currentcon,'TOKEN']=='= 0') 
            connectors[currentcon,'TOKEN'] <- as.character(substitutes[1,bool.substitute])
        if (connectors[currentcon,'TOKEN']=='= 1') 
            connectors[currentcon,'TOKEN'] <- as.character(substitutes[2,bool.substitute])
        if (open_connection==TRUE) { 
                        if (lineindent<previousindent) {
                                theStackIndex <- theStackIndex-(( previousindent- lineindent)  +1 )
                                currentsymbol <-theStack[theStackIndex,'ITEM']
                        } else  
                            currentsymbol <-variables[currentvar - 1,'SYMBOL']
        } else {  
                        currentsymbol <-theStack[theStackIndex-((previousindent -lineindent ) +1    ),'ITEM']
                        theStackIndex <- theStackIndex-(( previousindent- lineindent)    )
        connectors[currentcon, 'START'] <- currentsymbol
        currentcon <- currentcon + 1
        open_connection <- TRUE 
        if (length(unlist(stringlist))==2) {
              stringpart2 <- strsplit(unlist(stringlist)[2],'\\s')
                variables[currentvar,'TOKEN']   <- paste(ifelse((prefix==FALSE),'','Class'), unlist(stringpart2)[2]) 
                variables[currentvar,'SYMBOL']  <- paste('node',as.character(currentvar), sep='')
                variables[currentvar,'TYPE']        <- shape.conclusion
                variables[currentvar,'QUERY']   <- 0
                currentvar <- currentvar + 1
                connectors[currentcon - 1,'END'] <- variables[currentvar - 1,'SYMBOL']
            open_connection <- FALSE
    runningstring <- paste('digraph g {', 'graph ', sep='\n')
    runningstring <- paste(runningstring, ' [rankdir="', sep='')
    runningstring <- paste(runningstring, ifelse(vertical==TRUE,'TB','LR'), sep='' )
    runningstring <- paste(runningstring, '"]', sep='')
    for (lines in c(1:(currentvar-1))) {
        runningline <- paste(variables[lines,'SYMBOL'], '[shape="')
        runningline <- paste(runningline,variables[lines,'TYPE'], sep='' )
        runningline <- paste(runningline,'" label ="', sep='' )
        runningline <- paste(runningline,variables[lines,'TOKEN'], sep='' )
        runningline <- paste(runningline,
            '" style=filled fontcolor=', sep='')
        runningline <- paste(runningline, col.font)
        runningline <- paste(runningline,' color=' )
        runningline <- paste(runningline, col.draw)
        runningline <- paste(runningline,' fontname=')
        runningline <- paste(runningline, fontname)
        runningline <- paste(runningline,' fillcolor=')
        runningline <- paste(runningline,
            ifelse(variables[lines,'QUERY']== 0 ,col.conclusion,col.question))
        runningline <- paste(runningline,'];')
        runningstring <- paste(runningstring,   runningline , sep='\n')
  for (lines in c(1:(currentcon-1)))        { 
    runningline <- paste (connectors[lines,'START'], '->')
    runningline <- paste (runningline, connectors[lines,'END'])
    runningline <- paste (runningline,'[label="')
    runningline <- paste (runningline,connectors[lines,'TOKEN'], sep='')
    runningline <- paste (runningline,'" fontname=', sep='')
    runningline <- paste (runningline, fontname)
    runningline <- paste (runningline,'];')
    runningstring <- paste(runningstring,   runningline , sep='\n')
    runningstring <- paste(runningstring,'}')
    sink(filename, split=TRUE)


like image 24
Thanos Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 18:10
