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how to plot lat and long from pandas dataframe on folium map group by some labels




I have pandas dataframe like following

Latitude          Longitude          Class
 40.7145           -73.9425            A
 40.7947           -73.9667            B
 40.7388           -74.0018            A
 40.7539           -73.9677            B

I want to plot above on folium map which will also display class associated with lat and long.
I am using following code.

import folium

map_osm = folium.Map(location=[40.742, -73.956])
train_df.apply(lambda row:folium.CircleMarker(location=[row["Latitude"], 

How to plot and display class as well so that on map its easier to understand Class wise distribution of points.

like image 398
Neil Avatar asked Mar 13 '17 05:03


1 Answers

You could change the fill color of the CircleMarkers. Maybe add some popups or perhaps label them

   Latitude  Longitude Class
0   40.7145   -73.9425     A
1   40.7947   -73.9667     B
2   40.7388   -74.0018     A
3   40.7539   -73.9677     B

Using colors to distinguish class with a simple dict

colors = {'A' : 'red', 'B' : 'blue'}

map_osm = folium.Map(location=[40.742, -73.956], zoom_start=11)

train_df.apply(lambda row:folium.CircleMarker(location=[row["Latitude"], row["Longitude"]], 
                                              radius=10, fill_color=colors[row['Class']])
                                             .add_to(map_osm), axis=1)


enter image description here

Using colors and popups

colors = {'A' : 'red', 'B' : 'blue'}

map_osm = folium.Map(location=[40.742, -73.956], zoom_start=11)

train_df.apply(lambda row:folium.CircleMarker(location=[row["Latitude"], row["Longitude"]], 
                                              radius=10, fill_color=colors[row['Class']], popup=row['Class'])
                                             .add_to(map_osm), axis=1)


enter image description here

Using colors and 'labels' using DivIcon. Switched to using iterrows() and a for loop since we are creating CircleMarkers and Markers (for the labels)

from folium.features import DivIcon

colors = {'A' : 'red', 'B' : 'blue'}

map_osm = folium.Map(location=[40.742, -73.956], zoom_start=11)

for _, row in train_df.iterrows():
    folium.CircleMarker(location=[row["Latitude"], row["Longitude"]], 
                                radius=5, fill_color=colors[row['Class']]).add_to(map_osm)

    folium.Marker(location=[row["Latitude"], row["Longitude"]], icon=DivIcon(icon_size=(150,36), icon_anchor=(0,0),
        html='<div style="font-size: 16pt; color : {}">{}</div>'.format(colors[row['Class']], 


enter image description here

like image 198
Bob Haffner Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 16:10

Bob Haffner