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How to plot a fanchart like on Wikipedia page





How can I plot a fanchart as displayed on this Wikipedia page?

I have installed the nlme package with its MathAchieve dataset, but I cannot find the commands for plotting this graph.

The nlme pdf file is here.

I also checked this link but it is non-english.

With the fan.plot function from the plotrix package, I could only draw pie charts: https://sites.google.com/site/distantyetneversoclose/excel-charts/the-pie-doughnut-combination-a-fan-plot

Thanks for your help.

like image 950
rnso Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 09:12


1 Answers

Having thought about this a bit more since my previous answer, I've come up with a simpler way of producing multipanel (if appropriate) fanplots, overlaid on a levelplot, as shown in the Wikipedia Fan chart page. This approach works with a data.frame that has two independent variables and zero or more conditioning variables that separate data into panels.

First we define a new panel function, panel.fanplot.

panel.fanplot <- function(x, y, z, zmin, zmax, subscripts, groups, 
                          nmax=max(tapply(z, list(x, y, groups), 
                            function(x) sum(!is.na(x))), na.rm=T), 
                          ...) {

  if(missing(zmin)) zmin <- min(z, na.rm=TRUE)
  if(missing(zmin)) zmax <- max(z, na.rm=TRUE)
  get.coords <- function(a, d, x0, y0) {
    a <- ifelse(a <= 90, 90 - a, 450 - a)
    data.frame(x = x0 + d * cos(a / 180 * pi), 
               y = y0 + d * sin(a / 180 * pi))

  z.scld <- (z - zmin)/(zmax - zmin) * 360
  fan <- aggregate(list(z=z.scld[subscripts]), 
                   list(x=x[subscripts], y=y[subscripts]), 
                       quantile(x, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), na.rm=TRUE) - 90))

  panel.levelplot(fan$x, fan$y, 
                  (fan$z[, '50%'] + 90) / 360 * (zmax - zmin) + zmin,
                  subscripts=seq_along(fan$x), ...)
  lapply(which(!is.na(fan$z[, '50%'])), function(i) {
    with(fan[i, ], {
      poly <- rbind(c(x, y), 
                    get.coords(seq(z[, '25%'], z[, '75%'], length.out=200), 
                               0.3, x, y))
      lpolygon(poly$x, poly$y, col='gray10', border='gray10', lwd=3)
      llines(get.coords(c(z[, '50%'], 180 + z[, '50%']), 0.3, x, y),
             col='black', lwd=3, lend=1)
      llines(get.coords(z[, '50%'], c(0.3, (1 - z[, 'n']/nmax) * 0.3), x, y), 
             col='white', lwd=3)

Now we create some dummy data and call levelplot:

d <- data.frame(z=runif(1000), 
                x=sample(5, 1000, replace=TRUE),
                y=sample(5, 1000, replace=TRUE),
                grp=sample(4, 1000, replace=TRUE))

colramp <- colorRampPalette(c('#fff495', '#bbffaa', '#70ffeb', '#72aaff', 

levelplot(z ~ x*y|as.factor(grp), d, groups=grp, asp=1, col.regions=colramp, 
          panel=panel.fanplot, zmin=min(d$z, na.rm=TRUE), 
          zmax=max(d$z, na.rm=TRUE), at=seq(0, 1, 0.2))

It's important to pass the conditioning variable (that separates plots into panels) to levelplot via the argument group, as shown above with the variable grp, in order for sample sizes to be calculated (shown by white line length).


And here's how we would mimic the Wikipedia plot:

MathAchieve$SESfac <- as.numeric(cut(MathAchieve$SES, seq(-2.5, 2, 0.5)))
MathAchieve$MEANSESfac <- 
  as.numeric(cut(MathAchieve$MEANSES, seq(-1.25, 1, 0.25)))
levels(MathAchieve$Minority) <- c('Non-minority', 'Minority')
MathAchieve$group <- 
  as.factor(paste0(MathAchieve$Sex, ', ', MathAchieve$Minority))

colramp <- colorRampPalette(c('#fff495', '#bbffaa', '#70ffeb', '#72aaff', 

levelplot(MathAch ~ SESfac*MEANSESfac|group, MathAchieve, 
          groups=group, asp=1, col.regions=colramp, 
          panel=panel.fanplot, zmin=0, zmax=28, at=seq(0, 25, 5),
                      tck=c(1, 0), 
                      x=list(at=seq(1, 11) - 0.5, 
                             labels=seq(-2.5, 2, 0.5)),
                      y=list(at=seq(1, 11) - 0.5, 
                             labels=seq(-1.25, 1, 0.25))),
          between=list(x=1, y=1), strip=strip.custom(bg='gray'),
          xlab='Socio-economic status of students',
          ylab='Mean socio-economic status for school')


like image 103
jbaums Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 09:01
