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How to Pivot table in BigQuery


I am using Google Big Query, and I am trying to get a pivoted result out from public sample data set.

A simple query to an existing table is:

SELECT *  FROM publicdata:samples.shakespeare LIMIT 10; 

This query returns following result set.

enter image description here

Now what I am trying to do is, get the results from the table in such way that if the word is brave, select "BRAVE" as column_1 and if the word is attended, select "ATTENDED" as column_2, and aggregate the word count for these 2.

Here is the query that I am using.

SELECT (CASE WHEN word = 'brave' THEN 'BRAVE' ELSE '' END) AS column_1, (CASE WHEN word = 'attended' THEN 'ATTENDED' ELSE '' END) AS column_2, SUM (word_count) FROM publicdata:samples.shakespeare WHERE (word = 'brave' OR word = 'attended') GROUP BY column_1, column_2 LIMIT 10; 

But, this query returns the data

enter image description here

What I was looking for is

enter image description here

I know this pivot for this data set does not make sense. But I am just taking this as an example to explain the problem. It will be great if you can put in some directions for me.

EDITED: I also referred to How to simulate a pivot table with BigQuery? and it seems it also has the same issue I mentioned here.

like image 994
user1401472 Avatar asked Oct 09 '14 07:10


People also ask

How do you pivot a table in BigQuery?

here is a dynamic pivot procedure in standard SQL@Bigquery. it does not aggregate yet. at first, you need to provide a table with already pe-KPI agregated values (if needed) . but it automatically creates a table and generates all the pivoted columns.

How do I convert columns to rows in BigQuery?

Conventionally, the Pivot operator converts the table's row data into column data. The Unpivot operator does the inverse, transforming column-based data into rows. Google BigQuery offers operators like Pivot and Unpivot that can be used to transpose the BigQuery columns to rows or vice versa.

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OFFSET means that the numbering starts at zero, ORDINAL means that the numbering starts at one. A given array can be interpreted as either 0-based or 1-based. When accessing an array element, you must preface the array position with OFFSET or ORDINAL , respectively; there is no default behavior.

1 Answers

Update 2021:

A new PIVOT operator has been introduced into BigQuery.

Before PIVOT is used to rotate sales and quarter into Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 columns:

product sales quarter
Kale 51 Q1
Kale 23 Q2
Kale 45 Q3
Kale 3 Q4
Apple 77 Q1
Apple 0 Q2
Apple 25 Q3
Apple 2 Q4

After PIVOT is used to rotate sales and quarter into Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 columns:

product Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Apple 77 0 25 2
Kale 51 23 45 3


with Produce AS (   SELECT 'Kale' as product, 51 as sales, 'Q1' as quarter UNION ALL   SELECT 'Kale', 23, 'Q2' UNION ALL   SELECT 'Kale', 45, 'Q3' UNION ALL   SELECT 'Kale', 3, 'Q4' UNION ALL   SELECT 'Apple', 77, 'Q1' UNION ALL   SELECT 'Apple', 0, 'Q2' UNION ALL   SELECT 'Apple', 25, 'Q3' UNION ALL   SELECT 'Apple', 2, 'Q4') SELECT * FROM   (SELECT product, sales, quarter FROM Produce)   PIVOT(SUM(sales) FOR quarter IN ('Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4')) 

To build list of columns dynamically use execute immediate:

execute immediate (                select '''     select *      from (select product, sales, quarter from Produce)     pivot(sum(sales) for quarter in ("''' ||  string_agg(distinct quarter, '", "' order by quarter)  || '''"))   '''   from Produce ); 
like image 77
Sergey Geron Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 23:10

Sergey Geron