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How to pipeline in node.js to redis?

I have lot's of data to insert (SET \ INCR) to redis DB, so I'm looking for pipeline \ mass insertion through node.js.

I couldn't find any good example/ API for doing so in node.js, so any help would be great!

like image 802
Aviram Netanel Avatar asked Jan 28 '14 20:01

Aviram Netanel

2 Answers

In node_redis there all commands are pipelined:


like image 110
sundagy Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09


Yes, I must agree that there is lack of examples for that but I managed to create the stream on which I sent several insert commands in batch.

You should install module for redis stream:

npm install redis-stream

And this is how you use the stream:

var redis = require('redis-stream'),
    client = new redis(6379, '');

// Open stream
var stream = client.stream();

// Example of setting 10000 records
for(var record = 0; record < 10000; record++) {

    // Command is an array of arguments:
    var command = ['set', 'key' + record, 'value'];  

    // Send command to stream, but parse it before
    stream.redis.write( redis.parse(command) );

// Create event when stream is closed
stream.on('close', function () {

    // Here you can create stream for reading results or similar

// Close the stream after batch insert

Also, you can create as many streams as you want and open/close them as you want at any time.

There are several examples of using redis stream in node.js on redis-stream node module

like image 41
Toni Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 09:09
