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How to permit hash with * key => values?

I want to create an object with strong params that can accept dynamic hash keys.

This is my code,


def quiz_params
  params.require(:quiz).permit(:user_id, :percent, :grade, questions: {})

data that gets passed in would look something like this.

// the keys that get passed into question is always different

quiz: {
  user_id: 1,
  percent: 80,
  grade: "B",
  questions: {
    "12": "24",
    "1": "12",
    "4": "3",
    "5": "22"

Currently however, when I try to create a Quiz, the questions hash turns out empty.

like image 454
Eric Chu Avatar asked Dec 05 '22 16:12

Eric Chu

2 Answers

Until now I have only seen this:

def quiz_params
  questions_params = (params[:quiz] || {})[:questions].keys
  params.require(:quiz).permit(:user_id, :percent, :grade, questions: questions_params)
like image 148
slowjack2k Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 02:12


In rails 5.1.2, the original syntax of passing an empty hash for questions should work:

def quiz_params
  params.require(:quiz).permit(:user_id, :percent, :grade, questions: {})

See https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/e86524c0c5a26ceec92895c830d1355ae47a7034

like image 32
Derek Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 02:12
