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How to perform Bilinear Interpolation on RGB values?


People also ask

How do you calculate bilinear interpolation?

Let's calculate the terms that appear in the bilinear interpolation formula for P : (x₂ - x₁) * (y₂ - y₁) = (4 - 0) * (3 - 1) = 8. (x₂ - x) * (y₂ - y) = (4 - 1) * (3 - 2) = 3. (x - x₁) * (y₂ - y) = (1 - 0) * (3 - 2) = 1.

What is bilinear interpolation in image processing?

Bilinear Interpolation : is a resampling method that uses the distanceweighted average of the four nearest pixel values to estimate a new pixel value. The four cell centers from the input raster are closest to the cell center for the output processing cell will be weighted and based on distance and then averaged.

How do you do bilinear interpolation in Excel?

Name the cell containing the x- and y-values you entered in x and y, respectively. Select the row of x-values in the data table and name those “xvalues”. Select the column of y-values in the same table and name those “yvalues”. Next, select all the air velocity numbers (cells D7-L15) and name them “zvalues”.

Is bilinear better than bicubic?

Bilinear: A method that adds pixels by averaging the color values of surrounding pixels. It produces medium-quality results. Bicubic (Default): A slower but more precise method based on an examination of the values of surrounding pixels. Bicubic produces smoother tonal gradations than Nearest Neighbor or Bilinear.


Given the black pixel coordinates, I could interpolate the coordinate values of the blue pixel via the mathematical equation y = mx + c. But what about the new RGB pixel values? How do I go about getting the weighted average RGB value for the blue pixels given that the black pixel RGB values are given as such in the figure?

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.