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How to perform a date range elasticsearch query given multiple dates per document?

I'm using ElasticSearch to index forum threads and reply posts. Each post has a date field associated with it. I'd like to perform a query that includes a date range which will return threads that contain posts matching a date range. I've looked at using a nested mapping but the docs say the feature is experimental and may lead to inaccurate results.

What's the best way to accomplish this? I'm using the Java API.

like image 891
digitalsanctum Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 07:12


1 Answers

You haven't said much about your data structure, but I'm inferring from your question that you have post objects which contain a date field, and presumably a thread_id field, ie some way of identifying which thread a post belongs to?

Do you also have a thread object, or is your thread_id sufficient?

Either way, your stated goal is to return a list of threads which have posts in a particular date range. This means that you need to group your threads (rather than returning the same thread_id multiple times for each post in the date range).

This grouping can be done by using facets.

So the query in JSON would look like this:

curl -XGET ''  -d '
   "facets" : {
      "thread_id" : {
         "terms" : {
            "size" : 20,
            "field" : "thread_id"
   "query" : {
      "filtered" : {
         "query" : {
            "text" : {
               "content" : "any keywords to match"
         "filter" : {
            "numeric_range" : {
               "date" : {
                  "lt" : "2011-02-01",
                  "gte" : "2011-01-01"


  • I'm using search_type=count because I don't actually want the posts returned, just the thread_ids
  • I've specified that I want the 20 most frequently encountered thread_ids (size: 20). The default would be 10
  • I'm using a numeric_range for the date field because dates typically have many distinct values, and the numeric_range filter uses a different approach to the range filter, making it perform better in this situation
  • If your thread_ids look like how-to-perform-a-date-range-elasticsearch-query then you can use these values directly. But if you have a separate thread object, then you can use the multi-get API to retrieve these
  • your thread_id field should be mapped as { "index": "not_analyzed" } so that the whole value is treated as a single term, rather than being analyzed into separate terms
like image 131
DrTech Avatar answered May 28 '23 14:05
