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How to perform a constrained optimization over a scaled regression model?

Supposing that I am applying a gaussian process regression to my data. Before fitting the model, I will perform some sort of feature engineering. After the model is fit, my goal is to now apply a minimization, which I intend to constrain for some values, over the curve in order to find the optimal X. However, here comes the questioning, if I am applying some sort of feature engineering to my data, and fitting the model to that particular set of data, when I apply the constrained optimization, how should I find out for which values I want to constraint it since I altered my input data. If that sounded confusing, the following explanation with some code might help:

Supposing I have the data:

# X (theta, alpha1, alpha2)
array([[ 9.07660169,  0.61485493,  1.70396493],
       [ 9.51498486, -5.49212002, -0.68659511],
       [10.45737558, -2.2739529 , -2.03918961],
       [10.46857663, -0.4587848 ,  0.54434441],
       [ 9.10133699,  8.38066374,  0.66538822],
       [ 9.17279647,  0.36327109, -0.30558115],
       [10.36532505,  0.87099676, -7.73775872],
       [10.13681026, -1.64084098, -0.09169159],
       [10.38549264,  1.80633583,  1.3453195 ],
       [ 9.72533357,  0.55861224,  0.74180309])

# y
array([4.93483686, 5.66226844, 7.51133372, 7.54435854, 4.92758927,
       5.0955348 , 7.26606153, 6.86027353, 7.36488184, 6.06864003])

Then I apply some sort of feature engineering, in that case, a simple MinMaxScaler:

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)           
scaler = MinMaxScaler()           
X_train_scaled = scaler.transform(X_train)
X_test_scaled = scaler.transform(X_test)

Then, I fit a model to my data:

kernel = C(1.0, (1e-4, 1e4))*RBF(10,(1e-3,1e3))
model = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel = kernel, n_restarts_optimizer = 5,optimizer='fmin_l_bfgs_b')           

Now, I perform the constrained minimization of the fit model. Note that I constrain theta for a constant value equals nine. Therefore, the motivation of this post, as I am setting the theta constrained to a value based the sample before fitting the curve prior the feature engineering process.

bnds = np.array([(theta_bin,theta_bin),(data_alpha1_bin.min(),data_alpha1_bin.max()),
                 (data_alpha2_bin.min(), data_alpha2_bin.max())])        
x0 = [theta_bin,0,0]
residual_plant = minimize(lambda x: -model.predict(np.array([x])), x0, method='SLSQP',bounds=bnds)

To sum up, I need to minimize my machine learning fitted model, however I also need to feature scale it before fitting, as it is required for gaussian process. The problem, is that my minimization is constrained over a given constant value for one of the features(theta), then, how would I deal with the curve being fitted to scaled features and the constraint which I set based on the values prior the scalling.

like image 935
fnaos Avatar asked Mar 15 '20 18:03


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1 Answers

Once you have you scaler fitted, just keep using it. As your transformation is only scaling without rotation, the transformed theta coordinate will remain constant.

residual_plant = minimize(lambda x: -model.predict(scaler.transform(x)), scaler.transform(x0), method='SLSQP',bounds=bnds)

BTW you intended to write:


right? Otherwise you train on original coordinates without scaling. Which is also seem legit in this case. I don't see a real need for scaling. But I believe you need to add normalize_y=True to the GPR, as it assumes zero mean of the observed target values, and it is not the case according to the data sample you've provided.

like image 134
igrinis Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
