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How to Pass values form One html Page to Another html Page javascript?

How can I pass values from one html page to another html page javascript

For example:

Page1.html page

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
  <style type="text/css">
  margin: 0; 
  margin-left: 40%; 
  margin-right: 40%;
  margin-top: 50px; 
  padding-top: 10px; 
  width: 20%; 
  height: 150px; 
  position: absolute; 
  background: #FBFBF0; 
  border: solid #000000 2px; 
  z-index: 9; 
  font-family: arial; 
  visibility: hidden; 
  <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  function login(showhide){
    if(showhide == "show"){
    }else if(showhide == "hide"){
<div > 
<form name="login" action="AgaramAnimation.html" method="get">
<center><input name="username" size="14" /></center>
<center><input name="password" type="password" size="14" /></center>
<center><input type="submit" name="submit" value="login" /></center>

here i enter two values user name and password when i click submit button the popup will closed and values pass to another page java script given below .


function gettingvalues()
            var connection = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
            var connectionstring = "Data Source="";Initial Catalog="";User ID="";Password="";Provider=""";
            var rs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");
            rs.Open("select * from logindetails where username='" **+ username +** "' and password= '" **+ password +** "'", connection);
            if (!rs.eof) {
                document.getElementById("").innerHTML = "";   }
            else {
                alert('please enter valid username and password');

Pls help me..........

like image 257
Raj Avatar asked Dec 18 '11 09:12


1 Answers

Assuming your two pages are on the same domain, you can use localStorage.


var user = prompt('user name', '');
var password = prompt('password', '');
localStorage.user = user;
localStorage.password = password;

Then back in the main page:

var user = localStorage.user;
var password = localStorage.password;

Note 1: I won't comment on security (other than to say of course don't do it like I've done it above!)

Note 2: localStorage is only about 92% supported: http://caniuse.com/namevalue-storage

like image 163
David Gilbertson Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

David Gilbertson