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How to pass url parameters to Vuejs






I'm building an app with laravel and VueJs and I was wondering how to pass a url parameter like the user slug or the user id to vuejs in a proper way to be able to use that parameter for making ajax requests?

For example when someone clicks on a link leading to


I want to make an ajax request within my vuejs application with the slug 'john-appleseed' as a parameter.

What is the "right/proper" way to this?

Thanks in advance!

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Luuk Van Dongen Avatar asked Sep 14 '15 08:09

Luuk Van Dongen

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Absolute elegant answer. Thanks! Of-course without vue-router. URLSearchParams is a pure javascript approach it's not a vuejs helper. @mrded why is this approach better, given that Vue and apparently Vue Router is already used anyway? @Igor because it's a JS native way and it works everywhere. Vue Router is just an unnecessary abstraction.

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3 Answers

vue-router would probably be of help here. It lets you define your routes like so:

    '/user/:slug': {
        component: Profile,
        name: 'profile'

Within your Profile component, the requested user's slug would then become available under this.$route.params.slug

Check the official documentation for details: http://router.vuejs.org/en/

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jsphpl Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 05:10


I suppose you are building a component. Let's say, you have a button inside that component and when is clicked, you wanna perform an action (AJAX request, or just redirect).

In this case you pass the URL as parameter to the component and you can use it inside.


<my-component login-url="get_url('url_token')">

Your component JS:

export default {
    props: {
        loginUrl: {required: true},

Then you can access the param in the component as this.loginUrl.

Please notice that param name difference in HTML part as dash-notatinon and in JS as camelCase.

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n1_ Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 05:10


If you are using vue-router and want to capture query parameters and pass them to props, you can do it this way.

Url being called : http://localhost:8080/#/?prop1=test1&prop2=test2


    {{prop1}} {{prop2}}
  export default {
    name: 'MyComponent',
    props: {
      prop1: {
        type: String,
        required: true
      prop2: {
        type: String,


import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import MyComponent from '@/components/MyComponent'

Vue.use (Router) 
Vue.component ('my-component', MyComponent)

export default new Router ({
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      name: 'MyComponent',
      component: MyComponent,
      props: (route) => ({
        prop1: route.query.prop1,
        prop2: route.query.prop2
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Marc Bouvier Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 06:10

Marc Bouvier