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How to pass URL parameters to the root [in the routes.rb] in Ruby on Rails

realize this question is similar to this one.

Pass URL parameters to a redirect_to :root

However, I'm wondering to start the application with parameters passed at the outset. Perhaps root :to in the routes.rb file is not exactly the correct way to go?

Was basically hoping that it would start like this.


Any thoughts would be really appreciated!

like image 980
Andrew Chung Avatar asked Dec 07 '11 17:12

Andrew Chung

1 Answers

Perhaps it has changed in the last couple years, but this is definitely possible now:

root to: 'controller#action', hello_id: 1, finder_id: 1, laser_id: 1, sharks_id: 4
like image 106
Michael Johnston Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 00:10

Michael Johnston