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How to pass parameters to setTimeout function [duplicate]

I am relatively novice to javascript. I have written a simple counter program that starts count down from 10 till it reaches 1.

  <script type="text/javascript">
    function countDown(secs) {
        var element = document.getElementById("status");
        element.innerHTML = "Please wait for "+secs+" seconds";
        if(secs < 1) {
            element.innerHTML = '<h2>Countdown Complete!</h2>';
            element.innerHTML += '<a href="#">Click here now</a>';
 --->       **var timer = setTimeout('countDown('secs')',1000);**
    <div id="status"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">countDown(10);</script>

Then I tried passing parameter as '+secs+' to the countDown function.

var timer = setTimeout('countDown('+secs+')',1000);

Above change works.

My question is why should I need to pass parameter as '+secs+' and NOT only 'secs' ? What difference does it make?

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v09 Avatar asked Jun 13 '13 06:06


3 Answers


var timer = setTimeout(function(){


var timer = setTimeout('countDown('  + secs + ')',1000);

In your case the problem was your were using string concatenation with a variable without + sign (my second example) with will cause a syntactical error

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Arun P Johny Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09

Arun P Johny

Your first attempt is a synax error:

var timer = setTimeout('countDown('secs')',1000);

You're trying to pass a string to setTimeout (which is a bad idea to begin with), but you're not creating the string properly.

The single quotes around the word secs are not escaped, so you're actually passing the string literal countDown( followed by the variable secs, followed by the string literal ). Because there are no operators between the strings, this is invalid syntax.

However, when you use the + symbols, you're adding 3 strings together to create the method invocation you want (the + operator is used to concatenate strings in JavaScript):

'countDown(' + 'secs' + ')' ===  'countDown(secs)'

The three strings added together create a string that contains valid JavaScript, so it can be passed to the setTimeout() function.

Although you can pass a string to setTimeout(), the better approach is to pass a function reference.

This is typically done with an anonymous function like this:

setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);

If you don't need to pass a parameter, you can do this:

function countDown() {
    alert("10... 9... 8...");

setTimeout(countDown, 1000);

Note that when a function reference is specified as a variable, you do not use the () symbols. When you use parentheses after a function in JavaScript, the function is invoked.

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jahroy Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09


an easy way to do it using setTimeout:


In your case you can simply do like that:


I suggest this link: http://javascript.info/settimeout-setinterval

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senior Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
