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how to pass parameters on reload of datatables

I have a datatable that I initialize like this:

mytable = DataTable({
            url: "/url/getTableData",
            dataSrc: ""

        sortClasses: false,
        paging: false,
        scrollY: 300,
        columns: cols

later I'd like to do


It works fine, but now I'd like to send a few parameters in that request. Those parameters I only need on reload, and not in the initialization of the table. How do I do that? thank you!

like image 820
BMF Avatar asked Jun 30 '14 21:06


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The ajax. dataSrc (i.e. data source) option is used to tell DataTables where the data array is in the JSON structure. ajax. dataSrc is typically given as a string indicating that location in Javascript object notation - i.e. simply set it to be the name of the property where the array is!

1 Answers

Option 1 - Use the preXhr.dt event.

table = $('#example')
    .on('preXhr.dt', function ( e, settings, data ) {
        data.whateveryouwant = $("#someidhere").val()
        data.anotherexample = "kittens"
    } )
// then just setup your datatable as normal
            url: "/url/getTableData",
            type: "GET" // This is the default value, could also be POST
        sortClasses: false,
        paging: false,
        scrollY: 300,
        columns: cols

see here http://datatables.net/reference/event/

Option 2 (preferred) - Use an ajax.data function.

table = $('#example').DataTable({
        url: "/url/getTableData", // Change this URL to where your json data comes from
        type: "GET", // This is the default value, could also be POST, or anything you want.
        data: function(d) {
            d.whateveryouwant = $("#someidhere").val()
            d.anotherexample = "kittens"

    sortClasses: false,
    paging: false,
    scrollY: 300,
    columns: cols

Both options produce identical results. Your server will not know the difference. The extra data will be added on every table.ajax.reload(). The extra data will be:

whateveryouwant of with value of the #someidhere element, and

anotherexample with the value "kittens"

I prefer the Option 2, because it's more obvious that extra data is being added on each request. The first option is a little bit sneaky and not as obvious for someone else reading your code I think.

like image 50
ZenCodr Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10
