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how to pass ip address and portnumber as url




To pass url i have ip address and port number , how can that be send as http url

ex: ip address
port number as 71

does that takes to the url? if not how it can be passes as http address.



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michael Avatar asked Aug 04 '11 10:08


People also ask

How do I give a URL a port?

Select the protocol to use ( http:// or https:// ). Use the Server field to enter the name or IP address of the HTTP server. Do not include the scheme (i.e. http:// ) in this field. If your server is listening on a non-standard port (80 for http:// and 443 for https:// ) then enter the port number into the Port field.

How do I enter my IP address and port number?

The port number is “tacked on” to the end of the IP address, for example, “192.168. 1.67:80” shows both the IP address and port number.

How do I use an IP address instead of a URL?

To use an IP address instead of a domain name, simply enter the IP address in the URL in place of the domain name. For example, the URL would take you to the same page as http://www.pcwebopedia.com/index.html.

2 Answers

like image 53
clyfe Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 20:10


http://ip:port/ - e.g.

(Also, I expect it's just a made up example, but the IP address you quoted is of course not valid)

like image 27
David Precious Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 21:10

David Precious