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How to pass functions to JavaScript Web Worker

I would like to pass a function (or functions) via a postMessage() to a web worker, because I can't refer to regular files.

To kick the web worker off, I am passing an object URL (created from a Blob) to the Worker constructor. Then I am passing a message, but so far no luck putting a function in the message.

The (JSON) message cannot contain functions directly (as stipulated here), and although importScripts is theoretically allowed, I have not had any success using it so far in Chrome or Firefox.

The body of the html file:

<div id="divText">1234</div> <script>     var greeter = function greet(name) {         return "hello " + name;     };     function webWorkerWorker() {         self.postMessage("started1");         self.onmessage = function(event) {             importScripts(event.data.content);             self.postMessage("importScripts success");             var result = greeter("john");             self.postMessage(result);         };     }     var functionBody = mylib.extractFunctionBody(webWorkerWorker);     var functionBlob = mylib.createBlob([functionBody]);     var functionUrl = mylib.createObjectURL(functionBlob);      var functionBody2 = mylib.extractFunctionBody(greeter);     var functionBlob2 = mylib.createBlob([greeter]);     var functionUrl2 = mylib.createObjectURL(functionBlob2);      var worker = new Worker(functionUrl);     worker.onmessage = function(event) {         document.getElementById("divText").innerHTML = event.data;     }     worker.postMessage({                 type: "init",                 content: functionUrl2             }); </script> 

Currently it results in setting the divText value to "importScripts success".

Am I doing something wrong? Is there another way that functions can be passed to web workers? Or is it not possible?

like image 936
Lachlan Avatar asked Aug 10 '12 22:08


People also ask

What are the limitations of web workers?

Limitations Of Web Workers The Web Workers API is a very powerful tool, but it has a few limitations: A worker can't directly manipulate the DOM and has limited access to methods and properties of the window object. A worker can not be run directly from the filesystem. It can only be run via a server.

How do JavaScript web workers work?

A web worker is a JavaScript that runs in the background, independently of other scripts, without affecting the performance of the page. You can continue to do whatever you want: clicking, selecting things, etc., while the web worker runs in the background.

Which JavaScript method is used to instantiate a web worker?

You need to use the postMessage() method in the onmessage event handler in worker. js : // src/worker. js onmessage = e => { const message = e.

1 Answers

Turns out this method works fine, there was merely a bug in my worker:

var result = greeter("john"); 

should be

var result = greet("john"); 

which makes sense - I'm passing the greeter variable to the worker, but there's no reason for it to know the variable name of the object I'm passing.

like image 170
Lachlan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
