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How to pass Date values as params in Grails

I have seen a few posts related to using the g:datePicker in Grails. Using this it looks like you can just pick the value off the params like so params.myDate.

However, when I try to do something like this in my view:


<g:link controller="c" action="a" params="[fromDate:(new Date())]">


def dateval = params.fromDate as Date

The date is not parsing out correctly. Is there something else I should be doing in the view to make the date 'parsable' by the controller. I've looked around and haven't found this in any posts where datePicker is not used.

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Scott Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 08:12


1 Answers

I prefer to send time instead of dates from the client.

<g:link controller="c" action="a" params="[fromDate:(new Date().time)]">

And in action I use the constructor of Date that takes time.

def date = params.date

date = date instanceof Date ? date : new Date(date as Long)

I have created a method in DateUtil class to handle this. This works fine for me.

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Amit Jain Avatar answered Jan 16 '23 06:01

Amit Jain