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How to pass custom parameters to Facebook share link [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How does Facebook Sharer select Images?

How do I make a link that I can customize the title, image, link, and description that's shared?

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Michael J. Calkins Avatar asked Jan 10 '13 01:01

Michael J. Calkins

People also ask

What is Fbclid in URL?

In short, FBCLIDs or Facebook Click Identifiers are a tracking parameter that is automatically added to outbound links on Facebook. So if a Facebook user clicks on a link to your website, a unique FBCLID is created and appended to the URL.

How do I add a URL to my Facebook ad Manager?

When you create your ads inside Ads Manager, under Text and Links section, click on the “Show Advanced Options” link, right after “Call-to-Action Button”. This will open a few more fields. Go to the last one, “URL tags”, and paste what you copied in the previous step. This will add the tags to each URL in the ad.

What are Facebook parameters?

For example, you can use URL parameters to identify where your ad traffic is coming from and which ads helped drive a conversion. Insights from URL parameters can show which link people clicked to get to your ad's destination, like to your website or Facebook Page.

1 Answers

This no longer works as of 18/12/2013. See comments for alternatives.


enter image description here


I was tired of scouring sites on google for this.

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3 revs, 3 users 86% Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 02:10

3 revs, 3 users 86%