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How to pass an array into a PHP SoapClient call

Using PHP and SoapClient.

I need to pass the following XML into a soap request - i.e. multiple <stay>'s within <stays>.


The problem is that I'm passing the data in as an array:

$xml = array('reservation' => array(
    'stays' => array(
            'start_date' => '2011-01-01',
            'end_date'   => 2011-01-15
            'start_date' => '2011-01-16',
            'end_date'   => 2011-01-30

The above doesn't work, as <stay> is not defined. So the alternative is:

$xml = array('reservation' => array(
    'stays' => array(
        'stay' => array(
            'start_date' => '2011-01-01',
            'end_date'   => 2011-01-15
        'stay' => array(
            'start_date' => '2011-01-01',
            'end_date'   => 2011-01-15

But that results in duplicate keys, so only one of the <stay>'s is sent.

I'm running this as:


Any ideas on how I can structure the array so that the above XML is generated?

Some further information. The above examples were super-simplified, so here's a real use example of what I'm doing, with benjy's suggestion implemented.

$options = $this->api->getDefaultOptions();
$options['baseProductCode'] = '123'.$basket->accommodation['feed_primary_identifier'];
#                             ^^^^^ just to ensure it fails and doesn't process
$reservation = new stdClass();

$reservation->external_id = $order->pb_ref;
$reservation->etab_id = $basket->accommodation['feed_primary_identifier'];
$reservation->reservation_type = 'gin';
$reservation->firstname = $order->forename;
$reservation->lastname  = $order->surname;
$reservation->birthdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('- 21 YEAR'));
$reservation->stays = array();
$details = $basket->getDetailedBasketContents();
foreach ($details['room_types'] as $roomTypeId => $roomType) {
  foreach($roomType['instances'] as $instance) {
    $stay = new stdClass();
    $stay->nb_rooms = 1;
    $stay->room_type_code = $roomTypeId;
    $stay->start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($order['checkin']));
    $stay->end_date   = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($order['checkout']));
    $stay->occupants  = array();
    foreach($instance['occupancy']['occupants'] as $key => $occupantData) {
      if ($occupantData['forename'] and $occupantData['surname']) {
        $occupant = new stdClass();
        $occupant->firstname = $occupantData['forename'];
        $occupant->lastname  = $occupantData['surname'];
        $occupant->pos = 100;
        $occupant->birthdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('- 21 YEAR'));
        $stay->occupants[] = $occupant;
    $reservation->stays[] = $stay;

$options['reservation'] = new stdClass();
$options['reservation']->reservation = $reservation;

//echo XmlUtil::formatXmlString($this->api->);

try {
  $this->parsePlaceOrderResponse($this->api->__soapCall('saveDistribReservation2', $options));
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo $e->getMessage();
  echo XmlUtil::formatXmlString($this->api->__getLastRequest());
  echo XmlUtil::formatXmlString($this->api->__getLastResponse());

This fails, with the message object hasn't 'stay' property which is due to the same issue, that the <stays> tag should contain 1 or more <stay> tags. If I set $reservation->stays['stay'] = $stay; then it is accepted, but that again only allows me to have a single <stay> within <stays>

Additionally, the SOAP request looks like this:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:hom="homingwns" xmlns:v1="...">
like image 434
Colin Avatar asked Sep 23 '10 16:09


3 Answers

'stay' has to be defined just once. This should be the right answer:

$xml = array('reservation' => array(
'stays' => array(
    'stay' => array(
                          'start_date' => '2011-01-01',
                          'end_date'   => 2011-01-15
                          'start_date' => '2011-01-01',
                          'end_date'   => 2011-01-15
like image 121
rafarr Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11


Assuming that when you instantiated $soapClient, you did so in WSDL mode, the following should work:

$stay1 = new stdClass();
$stay1->start_date = "2011-01-01";
$stay1->end_date = "2011-01-15";
$stay2 = new stdClass();
$stay2->start_date = "2011-01-01";
$stay2->end_date = "2011-01-15";
$stays = array();
$stays[0] = $stay1;
$stays[1] = $stay2;
    array("reservation" => array("stays" => $stays))
like image 29
benjy Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11


I also had this problem and found the solution. Stays needs to be an array with ascending keys starting with 0.

$client = new SoapClient('http://myservice.com?wsdl');
$stays[] = array('startDate'=>'01-01-2013', 'endDate'=>'02-02-2013');
$stays[] = array('startDate'=>'02-02-2013', 'endDate'=>'03-03-2013');
$params = array(
  'reservation' => array('stays'=>$stays)

I found my answer on this page: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45284

like image 1
jivanrij Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11
