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How to pass a variable by name to a Thread in Python?

Say that I have a function that looks like:

def _thread_function(arg1, arg2=None, arg3=None):     #Random code 

Now I want to create a thread using that function, and giving it arg2 but not arg3. I'm trying to this as below:

#Note: in this code block I have already set a variable called arg1 and a variable called arg2 threading.Thread(target=self._thread_function, args=(arg1, arg2=arg2), name="thread_function").start() 

The above code gives me a syntax error. How do I fix it so that I can pass an argument to the thread as arg2?

like image 566
Dylan Avatar asked Aug 01 '11 21:08


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2 Answers

Use the kwargs parameter:

threading.Thread(target=self._thread_function, args=(arg1,),                  kwargs={'arg2':arg2}, name='thread_function').start() 
like image 103
unutbu Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 14:10


you can also use lambda to pass args

threading.Thread(target=lambda: self._thread_function(arg1, arg2=arg2, arg3=arg3)).start() 
like image 28
Ali80 Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10
