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How to pass a URL to Wget





If I have a document with many links and I want to download especially one picture with the name www.website.de/picture/example_2015-06-15.jpeg, how can I write a command that downloads me automatically exactly this one I extracted out of my document?

My idea would be this, but I'll get a failure message like "wget: URL is missing":

grep -E 'www.website.de/picture/example_2015-06-15.jpeg' document | wget
like image 435
fragant Avatar asked Jun 15 '15 21:06


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What is wget spider?

The wget tool is essentially a spider that scrapes / leeches web pages but some web hosts may block these spiders with the robots. txt files. Also, wget will not follow links on web pages that use the rel=nofollow attribute. You can however force wget to ignore the robots.

What does wget command do?

Wget is a computer tool created by the GNU Project. You can use it to retrieve content and files from various web servers. The name is a combination of World Wide Web and the word get. It supports downloads via FTP, SFTP, HTTP, and HTTPS.

2 Answers

Use xargs:

grep etc... | xargs wget

It takes its stdin (grep's output), and passes that text as command line arguments to whatever application you tell it to.

For example,

echo hello | xargs echo 'from xargs '


from xargs  hello
like image 70
Marc B Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Marc B

Using back ticks would be the easiest way of doing it:

wget `grep -E 'www.website.de/picture/example_2015-06-15.jpeg' document`
like image 36
r3mainer Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 21:10
