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How to pass a string to a function in Objective-C

I made a method like this:

-(void) doSomething:(NSString *)str


I call it like this


It doesn't work.

like image 688
node ninja Avatar asked Sep 24 '10 23:09

node ninja

2 Answers

The way that you call methods in objective c is like the following

[class method:parameter];

In your case, to call doSomething, you would do this:

[self doSomething:@"foo"];
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Daniel G. Wilson Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 20:11

Daniel G. Wilson

That is because doSomething is a method of an Objective-C class. The C syntax for function calls doesn't apply here and you need an instance to call it on, e.g.:

[instance doSomething:foo];

I strongly recommend to read through Apples The Objective-C programming language.

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Georg Fritzsche Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 19:11

Georg Fritzsche