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How to pass a dynamic function name to the click event in Vue Js

Is there any way we can pass the function name from the parameters ?

some thing like this..

<tr v-for="item in items" class="static" 
    v-bind:class="{'evenRow': item.oddeven=='1', 'oddRow': item.oddeven=='0' }"
@click="item.click(item.contactID)" >


item.click is not converting as corresponding function while rendering the page. what is the correct approach any suggestions will be appreciated ?

like image 822
Tony Tom Avatar asked Oct 15 '18 07:10

Tony Tom

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1 Answers

To use dynamic function call it is suggested to have a helper function that receives the function name and call the corresponding function.

handle_function_call(function_name) {

And from template when iterating over items you can call that function by passing the function name like

<button v-for="button of items"
       @click="handle_function_call(button.fn_name)" //=> note here
  {{ button.text }}

See it in action in jsfiddle

like image 96
Roland Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09
