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How to parse this huge XML file with nested elements using lxml the efficient way?

I tried parsing this huge XML document using XML minidom. While it worked fine on a sample file, it choked the system when trying to process the real file (about 400 MB).

I tried adapting code (it processes data in a streaming fashion rather than in-memory load at once) from codereview for my xml file, I am having trouble isolating the datasets due to the nested nature of the elements. I worked on simple XML files before but not on a memory intensive task like this.

Is this the right approach? How do I associate the Inventory and Publisher IDs to each book? That is how I am planning to relate the 2 tables eventually.

Any feedback is much appreciated.



        <Inventory ID="12">
            <PublisherClass ID="34">
                        <Name>Microsoft Press</Name>
                        <BookDetail ID="67">
                            <BookName>Code Complete 2</BookName>
                            <Author>Steve McConnell</Author>
                        <BookDetail ID="78">
                            <BookName>Application Architecture Guide 2</BookName>
                            <Author>Microsoft Team</Author>
        <Inventory ID="64">
            <PublisherClass ID="154">
                        <Name>O'Reilly Media</Name>
                        <BookDetail ID="98">
                            <BookName>Head First Design Patterns</BookName>
                            <Author>Kathy Sierra</Author>

Python Code :

import sys
import os
#import MySQLdb
from lxml import etree

CATEGORIES = set(['BookHeader', 'Inventory', 'PublisherClass', 'PublisherDetails', 'BookDetail'])
SKIP_CATEGORIES = set(['BookHeader'])
DATA_ITEMS = ["Name", "Type", "ID", "BookName", "Author", "Pages", "ISBN"]

def clear_element(element):
    while element.getprevious() is not None:
        del element.getparent()[0]

def extract_book_elements(context):
    for event, element in context:
         if element.tag in CATEGORIES:
               yield element

def fast_iter2(context):
    for bookCounter, element in enumerate(extract_book_elements(context)):
            books = [book.text for book in element.findall("BookDetail")]
            bookdetail = {
                'element' : element.tag,
                'ID' : element.get('ID')
            for data_item in DATA_ITEMS:
                data = element.find(data_item)
                if data is not None:
                    bookdetail[data_item] = data

            if bookdetail['element'] not in SKIP_CATEGORIES:
                #populate_database(bookdetail, books, cursor)
                print bookdetail, books

            print "========>", bookCounter , "<======="

def main():
        #cursor = connectToDatabase()
        #cursor.execute("""SET NAMES utf8""")

        context = etree.iterparse("book.xml", events=("start", "end"))
        #fast_iter(context, cursor)


if __name__ == '__main__':

Python Output :

$ python lxmletree_book.py 
========> 0 <=======
========> 1 <=======
{'ID': '12', 'element': 'Inventory'} []
========> 2 <=======
{'ID': '34', 'element': 'PublisherClass'} []
========> 3 <=======
{'Name': <Element Name at 0x105140af0>, 'Type': <Element Type at 0x105140b40>, 'ID': <Element ID at 0x105140b90>, 'element': 'PublisherDetails'} []
========> 4 <=======
{'ID': None, 'element': 'PublisherDetails'} []
========> 5 <=======
{'ID': None, 'element': 'PublisherClass'} []
========> 6 <=======
{'ISBN': <Element ISBN at 0x105140eb0>, 'Name': <Element Name at 0x105140dc0>, 'Author': <Element Author at 0x105140e10>, 'ID': '67', 'element': 'BookDetail', 'Pages': <Element Pages at 0x105140e60>} []
========> 7 <=======
{'ID': None, 'element': 'BookDetail'} []
========> 8 <=======
{'ISBN': <Element ISBN at 0x1051460a0>, 'Name': <Element Name at 0x105140f50>, 'Author': <Element Author at 0x105140fa0>, 'ID': '78', 'element': 'BookDetail', 'Pages': <Element Pages at 0x105146050>} []
========> 9 <=======
{'ID': None, 'element': 'BookDetail'} []
========> 10 <=======
{'ID': None, 'element': 'Inventory'} []
========> 11 <=======
{'ID': '64', 'element': 'Inventory'} []
========> 12 <=======
{'ID': '154', 'element': 'PublisherClass'} []
========> 13 <=======
{'Name': <Element Name at 0x105146230>, 'Type': <Element Type at 0x105146280>, 'ID': <Element ID at 0x1051462d0>, 'element': 'PublisherDetails'} []
========> 14 <=======
{'ID': None, 'element': 'PublisherDetails'} []
========> 15 <=======
{'ID': None, 'element': 'PublisherClass'} []
========> 16 <=======
{'ISBN': <Element ISBN at 0x1051465f0>, 'Name': <Element Name at 0x105146500>, 'Author': <Element Author at 0x105146550>, 'ID': '98', 'element': 'BookDetail', 'Pages': <Element Pages at 0x1051465a0>} []
========> 17 <=======
{'ID': None, 'element': 'BookDetail'} []
========> 18 <=======
{'ID': None, 'element': 'Inventory'} []
========> 19 <=======

Desired Output (eventually stored in MySQL - for now a List in Python):

InventoryID PublisherClassID Name            Type ID
12          34               Microsoft Press Tech 7462
64          154              O'Reilly Media  Tech 7484

PublisherID BookDetailID Name                              Author           Pages ISBN
7462        67           Code Complete 2                   Steve McConnell  960   0735619670
7462        78           Application Architecture Guide 2  Microsoft Team   496   073562710X
7484        98           Head First Design Patterns        Kathy Sierra     688   0596007124
like image 888
ThinkCode Avatar asked Sep 11 '11 18:09


People also ask

What is lxml parser?

lxml provides a very simple and powerful API for parsing XML and HTML. It supports one-step parsing as well as step-by-step parsing using an event-driven API (currently only for XML).

Is XML and lxml are same?

lxml is a reference to the XML toolkit in a pythonic way which is internally being bound with two specific libraries of C language, libxml2, and libxslt. lxml is unique in a way that it combines the speed and XML feature completeness of these libraries with the simplicity of a native Python API.

Why is lxml used?

lxml aims to provide a Pythonic API by following as much as possible the ElementTree API. We're trying to avoid inventing too many new APIs, or you having to learn new things -- XML is complicated enough.

1 Answers

You might try something like this:

import MySQLdb
from lxml import etree
import config

def fast_iter(context, func, args=[], kwargs={}):
    # http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-hiperfparse/
    # Author: Liza Daly    
    for event, elem in context:
        func(elem, *args, **kwargs)
        while elem.getprevious() is not None:
            del elem.getparent()[0]
    del context

def extract_paper_elements(element,cursor):
    except IndexError:
    for key in ('Name','Type','ID'):
        except IndexError:
    sql='''INSERT INTO Publishers (InventoryID, PublisherClassID, Name, Type, ID)
           VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
    args=[pub.get(key) for key in
          ('InventoryID', 'PublisherClassID', 'Name', 'Type', 'ID')]
    # cursor.execute(sql,args)
    for bookdetail in element.xpath('descendant::BookList/Listing/Book/BookDetail'):
        for key in ('BookName', 'Author', 'Pages', 'ISBN'):
            except IndexError:
        sql='''INSERT INTO Books
               (PublisherID, BookDetailID, Name, Author, Pages, ISBN)
               VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
        args=[pub.get(key) for key in
              ('ID', 'BookDetailID', 'BookName', 'Author', 'Pages', 'ISBN')]
        # cursor.execute(sql,args)

def main():
    context = etree.iterparse("book.xml", events=("end",), tag='Inventory')



if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. Don't use fast_iter2. The original fast_iter separates the useful utility from the specific processing function (extract_paper_elements). fast_iter2 mixes the two together leaving you with no repeatable code.
  2. If you set the tag parameter in etree.iterparse("book.xml", events=("end",), tag='Inventory') then your processing function extract_paper_elements will only see Inventory elements.
  3. Given an Inventory element you can use the xpath method to burrow down and scrape the desired data.
  4. args and kwargs parameters were added to fast_iter so cursor can be passed to extract_paper_elements.
like image 72
unutbu Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
