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how to parse the xml data using libxml parsing




This is a xml structure that I want to parse using libxml parsing.

enter image description here

enter image description here

How can i get the attribute value for "campaign" tag i.e ID and for the "image" tag i.e url and size.

If I use these values, i can extract the values of "code" tag and "name " tag.

static const char *kName_campaign = "campaign";
static const NSUInteger kLength_campaign = 9;
static const char *kName_code = "code";
static const NSUInteger kLength_code = 5;
static const char *kName_name = "name";
static const NSUInteger kLength_name = 5;

Then I get the code and name of current and upcoming campaign all together. This is the code I use in the delegate which gets called when parsing is done.

static void endElementSAX(void *ctx, const xmlChar *localname, const xmlChar *prefix, const xmlChar *URI)
    LibXMLParser *parser = (LibXMLParser *)ctx;
    if (parser.parsingASong == NO) return;
    if (prefix == NULL)
        if (!strncmp((const char *)localname, kName_campaign, kLength_campaign)) 
            [parser finishedCurrentSong];
            parser.parsingASong = NO;
        else if (!strncmp((const char *)localname, kName_code, kLength_code))
            parser.currentSong.title = [parser currentString];
            NSLog(@"Code  :: %@",[parser currentString]);
        else if (!strncmp((const char *)localname, kName_name, kLength_name)) 
            parser.currentSong.category = [parser currentString];
            NSLog(@"Name :: %@",[parser currentString]);

How can i get the attributes values from start to bottom of id from "campaign" tag. url and size from "image" tag?

like image 505
NiKKi Avatar asked May 29 '12 12:05


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Which method is used to parse an XML document?

DOM API, which parses XML documents and builds a tree representation of the documents in memory. Use a DOMParser object to parse with DOM. SAX API, which processes an XML document as a stream of events, which means that a program cannot access random locations in a document.

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The two common ways to parse an XML document are given below: DOM Parser: Parsing the document by loading all the content of the document and creating its hierarchical tree structure. SAX Parser: Parsing based on event-based triggers. It does not require the complete loading of content.

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1 Answers

static void startElementSAX(void *ctx, const xmlChar *localname, const xmlChar *prefix, const xmlChar *URI, int nb_namespaces, const xmlChar **namespaces, int nb_attributes,
int nb_defaulted, const xmlChar **attributes)

if (nb_attributes > 0)
    NSMutableDictionary* attributeDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:(NSUInteger)[NSNumber numberWithInt:nb_attributes]];
    for (int i=0; i<nb_attributes; i++)
       NSString* key = [NSString stringWithCString:(const char*)attributes[0] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; 
       NSString* val = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:(const void*)attributes[3] length:(attributes[4] - attributes[3]) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
       attributes += 5;

       [attributeDict setValue:val forKey:key];

Try this..

like image 149
DivineDesert Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10
