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How to parse text fragments located outside tags (inbetween tags) by simplehtmldom?




I'm using simplehtmldom to parse html and I'm stuck in parsing plaintext located outside of any tag (but between two different tags):

<div class="text_small">
 <b>Аdress:</b> 7 Hange Road<br>    
 <b>Phone:</b> 415641587484<br>    
 <b>Contact:</b> Alex<br>    
 <b>Meeting Time:</b> 12:00-13:00<br>

Is it possible to get these values of Adress, Phone, Contact, Meeting Time? I wonder if there is a opportunity to pass CSS Selectors into nextSibling/previousSibling functions...

foreach($html->find('div.text_small') as $div_descr) 
   foreach($div_descr->find('b') as $b) 
 if ($b->innertext=="Аdress:") {//someaction
 if ($b->innertext=="Phone:") { //someaction
        if ($b->innertext=="Contact:") { //someaction
        if ($b->innertext=="Meeting Time:") { //someaction

What I should use instead "someaction" ?

upd. Yes, I don't have an access for editing the target page. Otherwise, would it be worth to? :)

like image 307
moogeek Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 14:11


1 Answers

There might be a much simpler solution. (maybe using something else than simple_html_dom)

I haven't found a suitable selector and nextSibling() only returns the next sibling element. (Which is a bit strange. simple_html_dom_node stores two arrays, $children and $nodes. Textnodes are in $nodes but not in $children. And next_sibling() operates on $children).
But since $nodes is a public property of simple_html_dom_node you write some iterator yourself.

require_once 'simplehtmldom/simple_html_dom.php';
$html = str_get_html('<html><head><title>...</title></head><body>
  <div class="text_small">
    <b>Adress:</b> 9 Hange Road<br>    
    <b>Phone:</b> 999641587484<br>    
    <b>Contact:</b> Alex<br>    
    <b>Meeting Time:</b> 12:00-13:00<br>
  <div class="text_small">
    <b>Adress:</b> 8 Hange Road<br>    
    <b>Phone:</b> 888641587484<br>    
    <b>Contact:</b> Bob<br>    
    <b>Meeting Time:</b> 13:00-14:00<br>

foreach($html->find('div.text_small') as $div) {
  $result = parseEntry($div);
  foreach($result as $r) {
    echo "'$r[name]' - '$r[text]'\n";
  echo "========\n"; 

function parseEntry(simple_html_dom_node $div) {
  $result = array();
  $current = null;
  for($i=0; $i<count($div->nodes); $i++) {
    if ( HDOM_TYPE_ELEMENT===$div->nodes[$i]->nodetype) {
      if ( !is_null($current) ) {
        $result[] = $current;
        $current = null;
      if ('b'===$div->nodes[$i]->tag) {
        $current = array('name'=>$div->nodes[$i]->text(), 'text'=>'');
    else if (HDOM_TYPE_TEXT===$div->nodes[$i]->nodetype && !is_null($current)) {
      $current['text'] .= $div->nodes[$i]->text();
  if ( !is_null($current) ) {
    $result[] = $current;
  return $result;


'Adress:' - ' 9 Hange Road'
'Phone:' - ' 999641587484'
'Contact:' - ' Alex'
'Meeting Time:' - ' 12:00-13:00'
'Adress:' - ' 8 Hange Road'
'Phone:' - ' 888641587484'
'Contact:' - ' Bob'
'Meeting Time:' - ' 13:00-14:00'

Until someone else finds a simpler solution you might want to use this as a starting point.

like image 94
VolkerK Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 15:11
