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How to parse OData $filter with regular expression in C#?





Hi I'm wondering what the best approach would be to parse an OData $filter string in C#, for example

/API/organisations?$filter="name eq 'Facebook' or name eq 'Twitter' and subscribers gt '30'"

Should return all organisations with a name of Facebook or Twitter and who have more than 30 subscribers. I've researched quite a bit but can't find any solutions which don't revolve around WCF. I was thinking of using Regex and grouping them so I have a list of Filter classes such that:

    Resource: Name
    Operator: Eq
    Value: Facebook
    Resource: Name
    Operator: Eq
    Value: Twitter
    Resource: Subscribers
    Operator: gt
    Value: 30

but I'm stumped as how to handle ANDs / ORs.

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Nick Spicer Avatar asked Jan 30 '14 16:01

Nick Spicer

2 Answers

In .NET, there's a library available that will do this for you. Writing your own regex runs the risk of missing some edge case.

Using NuGet, bring in Microsoft.Data.OData. Then, you can do:

using Microsoft.Data.OData.Query;

var result = ODataUriParser.ParseFilter(
  "name eq 'Facebook' or name eq 'Twitter' and subscribers gt 30",

result here will be in the form of an AST representing the filter clause.

(To get the model and type inputs, you could parse your $metadata file using something like this:

using Microsoft.Data.Edm;
using Microsoft.Data.Edm.Csdl;

IEdmModel model = EdmxReader.Parse(new XmlTextReader(/*stream of your $metadata file*/));
IEdmEntityType type = model.FindType("organisation");


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Jen S Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09

Jen S

I think you are supposed to travserse the AST with the interface provided using the visitor pattern.

Consider you have this class that represents a filter

public class FilterValue
    public string ComparisonOperator { get; set; }
    public string Value { get; set; }
    public string FieldName { get; set; }
    public string LogicalOperator { get; set; }

So, how do we "extract" the filters that comes with the OData parameters to your class?

Well the FilterClause object have an Expression property which is a SingleValueNode wich inherits from a QueryNode. The QueryNode have the Accept method who takes a QueryNodeVisitor.

    public virtual T Accept<T>(QueryNodeVisitor<T> visitor);

Right, so you must implement your own QueryNodeVisitor and do your stuff. Below is a non finished example (I dont override all possible visitors).

public class MyVisitor<TSource> : QueryNodeVisitor<TSource>
    where TSource: class
    List<FilterValue> filterValueList = new List<FilterValue>();
    FilterValue current = new FilterValue();
    public override TSource Visit(BinaryOperatorNode nodeIn)
        if(nodeIn.OperatorKind == Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.And 
            || nodeIn.OperatorKind == Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.BinaryOperatorKind.Or)
            current.LogicalOperator = nodeIn.OperatorKind.ToString();
            current.ComparisonOperator = nodeIn.OperatorKind.ToString();
        return null;
    public override TSource Visit(SingleValuePropertyAccessNode nodeIn)
        current.FieldName = nodeIn.Property.Name;
        //We are finished, add current to collection.
        //Reset current
        current = new FilterValue();
        return null;

    public override TSource Visit(ConstantNode nodeIn)
        current.Value = nodeIn.LiteralText;
        return null;


Then, fire away :)

MyVisitor<object> visitor = new MyVisitor<object>();

When it has traversed the tree your


should contain the filters in your desired format. Im sure more work is needed but if you can get this rolling I think you can figure it out.

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PvPlatten Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
