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How to Parameterize beforeEach() in JUnit 5?

I am using JUnit 5 as my Test Runner.

In the setup method, I have hardcoded 3 params (platformName, platformVersion, and deviceName). I have a test method that should test on various combinations... This means, when running my testLogin() test, it should run on multiple platform names, versions, device names...

So, I tried as below...

@CsvSource({"IOS,13.0,iPhone X Simulator", "IOS,13.2,iPhone Simulator", "IOS,13.3,iPhone XS Simulator"})
void setUp(String platformName, String platformVersion, String deviceName) throws MalformedURLException {
    capabilities.setCapability("platformName", platformName);
    capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", platformVersion);
    capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", deviceName);
    capabilities.setCapability("methodName", testInfo.getDisplayName());

My question is, how can beforeEach() method can be parameterized? Also, I want to get the test method name... So, if I specify the parameters, then where should I specify TestInfo param.

Please help me. I have also seen the below question...

Parameterized beforeEach/beforeAll in JUnit 5


public class TestBase {

    void setUp(TestInfo testInfo) throws MalformedURLException {
        MutableCapabilities capabilities = new MutableCapabilities();
        capabilities.setCapability("platformName", "iOS");
        capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", "13.2");
        capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone Simulator");
        capabilities.setCapability("name", testInfo.getDisplayName());
        capabilities.setCapability("app", “/home/my-user/testapp.zip");

        driver = new IOSDriver(
                new URL(""),
public class LoginTest extends TestBase {

    public void testLogin() {
like image 404
cpro Avatar asked May 27 '20 06:05


People also ask

How to parameterize @beforeach method in junit5?

You can't parameterize @BeforEach method. JUnit5 supports only parameterized tests (test methods). Parameterized tests are declared just like regular @Test methods but use the @ParameterizedTest annotation instead. In addition, you must declare at least one source (e.g. @CsvSource, @ValueSource, etc.)

What is @beforeeach annotation in JUnit?

JUnit 5 @BeforeEach annotation example Last Modified: October 8, 2019 JUnit 5 @BeforeEach annotation is replacement of @Before annotation in JUnit 4. It is used to signal that the annotated method should be executed before each @Test method in the current class.

What is @parameterizedtest In JUnit?

Parameterized tests are like other tests except that we add the @ParameterizedTest annotation: JUnit 5 test runner executes this above test — and consequently, the isOdd method — six times. And each time, it assigns a different value from the @ValueSource array to the number method parameter.

Is the method 'initeach()' static In JUnit 5?

JUnit5AnnotationsExample.initEach()' must not be static. at org.junit.jupiter.engine.descriptor. LifecycleMethodUtils.assertNonStatic(LifecycleMethodUtils.java:73) @BeforeEach method is inherited from parent classes (or interfaces) as long as they are not hidden or overridden .

2 Answers

You can't parameterize @BeforEach method. JUnit5 supports only parameterized tests (test methods).

Parameterized tests are declared just like regular @Test methods but use the @ParameterizedTest annotation instead. In addition, you must declare at least one source (e.g. @CsvSource, @ValueSource, etc.)

For example:

        "apple,         1",
        "banana,        2",
        "'lemon, lime', 0xF1"
    void testWithCsvSource(String fruit, int rank) {
        assertNotEquals(0, rank);
like image 200
jumb0jet Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 08:11


Let's try this awesome solution of @lamektomasz.

  • Create file CustomParameterResolver.java to resolve parameters for @BeforeEach and @AfterEach annotation.
package com.example;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ParameterContext;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ParameterResolutionException;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ParameterResolver;
import org.junit.jupiter.engine.execution.BeforeEachMethodAdapter;
import org.junit.jupiter.engine.extension.ExtensionRegistry;

public class CustomParameterResolver implements BeforeEachMethodAdapter, ParameterResolver {

  private ParameterResolver parameterisedTestParameterResolver = null;

  public void invokeBeforeEachMethod(ExtensionContext context, ExtensionRegistry registry)
      throws Throwable {
    Optional<ParameterResolver> resolverOptional = registry.getExtensions(ParameterResolver.class)
        .filter(parameterResolver ->
    if (!resolverOptional.isPresent()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "ParameterizedTestParameterResolver missed in the registry. Probably it's not a Parameterized Test");
    } else {
      parameterisedTestParameterResolver = resolverOptional.get();

  public boolean supportsParameter(ParameterContext parameterContext,
      ExtensionContext extensionContext) throws ParameterResolutionException {
    if (isExecutedOnAfterOrBeforeMethod(parameterContext)) {
      ParameterContext pContext = getMappedContext(parameterContext, extensionContext);
      return parameterisedTestParameterResolver.supportsParameter(pContext, extensionContext);
    return false;

  public Object resolveParameter(ParameterContext parameterContext,
      ExtensionContext extensionContext) throws ParameterResolutionException {
    return parameterisedTestParameterResolver.resolveParameter(
        getMappedContext(parameterContext, extensionContext), extensionContext);

  private MappedParameterContext getMappedContext(ParameterContext parameterContext,
      ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
    return new MappedParameterContext(

  private boolean isExecutedOnAfterOrBeforeMethod(ParameterContext parameterContext) {
    return Arrays.stream(parameterContext.getDeclaringExecutable().getDeclaredAnnotations())

  private boolean isAfterEachOrBeforeEachAnnotation(Annotation annotation) {
    return annotation.annotationType() == BeforeEach.class
        || annotation.annotationType() == AfterEach.class;
  • Create MappedParameterContext.java file
package com.example;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Parameter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ParameterContext;
import org.junit.platform.commons.util.AnnotationUtils;

public class MappedParameterContext implements ParameterContext {

  private final int index;
  private final Parameter parameter;
  private final Optional<Object> target;

  public MappedParameterContext(int index, Parameter parameter,
      Optional<Object> target) {
    this.index = index;
    this.parameter = parameter;
    this.target = target;

  public boolean isAnnotated(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) {
    return AnnotationUtils.isAnnotated(parameter, annotationType);

  public <A extends Annotation> Optional<A> findAnnotation(Class<A> annotationType) {
    return Optional.empty();

  public <A extends Annotation> List<A> findRepeatableAnnotations(Class<A> annotationType) {
    return null;

  public int getIndex() {
    return index;

  public Parameter getParameter() {
    return parameter;

  public Optional<Object> getTarget() {
    return target;
  • Add resolver to your test project
package com.example;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource;

public class BaseTest {

  public void beforeEach(String platformName, String platformVersion, String deviceName) {
    System.out.println("Before each:");
    System.out.println("platformName: " + platformName);
    System.out.println("platformVersion: " + platformVersion);
    System.out.println("deviceName: " + deviceName);

  @CsvSource({"IOS,13.0,iPhone X Simulator", "IOS,13.2,iPhone Simulator", "IOS,13.3,iPhone XS Simulator"})
  void testLogin(String platformName, String platformVersion, String deviceName) {
    // ...
    capabilities.setCapability("platformName", platformName);
    capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", platformVersion);
    capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", deviceName);
    capabilities.setCapability("methodName", testInfo.getDisplayName());

  • Output:
Before each:
platformName: IOS
platformVersion: 13.0
deviceName: iPhone X Simulator
Before each:
platformName: IOS
platformVersion: 13.2
deviceName: iPhone Simulator
Before each:
platformName: IOS
platformVersion: 13.3
deviceName: iPhone XS Simulator
like image 28
Long Nguyen Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 08:11

Long Nguyen