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How to override type properties in TypeScript



For example, I have

type Line = {
  start: Point;
  end: Point;
  color: string; //'cyan'/'aquablue'/...

But now I want to create new line type on the base of Line, so that it stores color as number:

type HexColorLine = Point & {
  color: number;

Now I expect the HexColorPoint type be equal to

  start: Point;
  end: Point;
  color: number;

But it equals to

  start: Point;
  end: Point;
  color: string | number;

Is there a way to override but not extend the prop type with some short syntax? Do i really have to define entirely new type for this?

like image 962
Eugene Beliaev Avatar asked Mar 28 '17 21:03

Eugene Beliaev

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1 Answers

Create a helper type:

type Overwrite<T, U> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>> & U;


type HexColorLine = Overwrite<Line, { color: number }>
like image 161
Karol Majewski Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09

Karol Majewski