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How to override current system time to a specific date in a Java 8 web application with EasyMock, without Joda Time, and without PowerMock? [duplicate]

I need to mock time (to a specific date, meaning I may not use anyLong()) for testing purposes in Java 8 using solely java.time, thus without Joda Time, in a testing environment under EasyMock.

EasyMock doesn't let you mock static methods like LocalDateTime.now(). PowerMock does, but I am not allowed to use PowerMock.

Joda Time library provides a neat and elegant way to mock time with DateTimeUtils.setCurrentMillisFixed(), and DateTimeUtils.setCurrentMillisSystem() to get back to the present instant.

Only I am not allowed to use Joda Time.

I was told to use a mock clock java.time.Clock class instance and inject it into LocalDateTime.now() like this: LocalDateTime.now(mockClock)

Is there a way to implement it properly without Joda Time and without PowerMock?

like image 400
KiriSakow Avatar asked Oct 29 '22 03:10


1 Answers

It happens there is a way. Here's what you need to do:

What needs to be done in the tested class

Step 1

Add a new java.time.Clock attribute to the tested class MyService and make sure the new attribute will be initialized properly at default values with an instantiation block or a constructor:

import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;

public class MyService {
  // (...)
  private Clock clock;
  public Clock getClock() { return clock; }
  public void setClock(Clock newClock) { clock = newClock; }

  public void initDefaultClock() {
        // You can just as well use
        // java.util.TimeZone.getDefault().toZoneId() instead
    initDefaultClock(); // initialisation in an instantiation block, but 
                        // it can be done in a constructor just as well
  // (...)

Step 2

Inject the new attribute clock into the method which calls for a current date-time. For instance, in my case I had to perform a check of whether a date stored in database happened before LocalDateTime.now(), which I replaced with LocalDateTime.now(clock), like so:

import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;

public class MyService {
  // (...)
  protected void doExecute() {
    LocalDateTime dateToBeCompared = someLogic.whichReturns().aDate().fromDB();
    while (dateToBeCompared.isBefore(LocalDateTime.now(clock))) {
  // (...) 

What needs to be done in the test class

Step 3

In the test class, create a mock clock object and inject it into the tested class's instance just before you call the tested method doExecute(), then reset it back right afterwards, like so:

import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import org.junit.Test;

public class MyServiceTest {
  // (...)
  private int year = 2017;  // Be this a specific 
  private int month = 2;    // date we need 
  private int day = 3;      // to simulate.

  public void doExecuteTest() throws Exception {
    // (...) EasyMock stuff like mock(..), expect(..), replay(..) and whatnot

    MyService myService = new MyService();
    Clock mockClock =
        LocalDateTime.of(year, month, day, 0, 0).toInstant(OffsetDateTime.now().getOffset()),
        Clock.systemDefaultZone().getZone() // or java.util.TimeZone.getDefault().toZoneId()
    myService.setClock(mockClock); // set it before calling the tested method

    myService.doExecute(); // calling tested method 

    myService.initDefaultClock(); // reset the clock to default right afterwards with our own previously created method

    // (...) remaining EasyMock stuff: verify(..) and assertEquals(..)

Check it in debug mode and you will see the date of 2017 Feb 3 has been correctly injected into myService instance and used in the comparison instruction, and then has been properly reset to current date with initDefaultClock().

like image 131
KiriSakow Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
