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How to output a list to file in R




Assume having a list of books with authors , after reading the data into a list "LS" I tried to enter it into a file and the output was

> write.table(LS, "output.txt")
Error in data.frame(..., title = NULL,  : 
  arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0

> write(LS, "output.txt")
Error in cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels, append) : 
  argument 1 (type 'list') cannot be handled by 'cat'

I was able to use dput but I would like the data to be formatted well (no redundancy of repeated keywords all over the file). Any suggestions? Thanks

UPDATE dput( head (LS, 2))

list(structure(list( title = "Book 1", 
authors = list(structure(c("Pooja", "Garg"),
 .Names = c("forename","surname")), 
structure(c("Renu", "Rastogi"), 
.Names = c("forename","surname")))),
 .Names = c("title", "authors")), 

structure(list( title = "Book 2", 
 authors = list(structure(c("Barry", "Smit"), .Names = c("forename", 
    "surname")), structure(c("Tom", "Johnston"), .Names = c("forename", 
    "surname")))), .Names = c("title", "authors")))
like image 450
Thomas Lee Avatar asked Oct 03 '12 23:10

Thomas Lee

People also ask

How do I export an output list in R?

In this approach user first need to create the list of any datatype and then need to call capture. output() function with the created list by the user and name of the file into which the user has to export the created list as the parameter of the function.

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For example, if we have a list called List and we want to print all the elements of the list then we can use the code for(i in List){print(i)}, here i refers to the vectors in the List.

3 Answers

You may first convert your list to a data frame:

LS.df = as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, LS))


LS.df = as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, LS))

Then you can simply save LS.df with write.csv or write.table

like image 174
Ali Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09


Using the data you provided and rjson


# write them to a file
cat(toJSON(LS), file = 'LS.json')

LS2 <- fromJSON('LS.json')

# some rearranging to get authors back to being a data.frame

LS3 <- lapply(LS2, function(x) { x[['authors']] <-  lapply(x[['authors']], unlist); x})

identical(LS, LS3)


The file looks like

[{"title":"Book 1","authors":[{"forename":"Pooja","surname":"Garg"},{"forename":"Renu","surname":"Rastogi"}]},{"title":"Book 2","authors":[{"forename":"Barry","surname":"Smit"},{"forename":"Tom","surname":"Johnston"}]}]

if you want each book on a separate line then you can use

.json <-  lapply(LS, toJSON)
# add new lines and braces

.json2 <- paste0('[\n', paste0(.json, collapse = ', \n'), '\n]')
{"title":"Book 1","authors":[{"forename":"Pooja","surname":"Garg"},{"forename":"Renu","surname":"Rastogi"}]}, 
{"title":"Book 2","authors":[{"forename":"Barry","surname":"Smit"},{"forename":"Tom","surname":"Johnston"}]}
like image 42
mnel Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 20:09


I use the RJSONIO package.


exportJSON <- toJSON(LS)
like image 27
remykarem Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09
