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How to organize Kotlin extension methods

Let's say I have a few extension methods for "MyClass". My question is, what's the best practice to organize/store these methods? Should they be simply put into a "MyClassExtensions" Kotlin file?

I have tried to encapsulate these methods within a class, but after importing the class I couldn't seem to figure out how to use/access the extension methods.

Edit: For clarification, I was not asking for help what to call a file that contains extension methods. I was asking about best practices/approaches to store/organize such methods. Ie. should they be simply put into kotlin files, or should they be encapsulated in a class. I am coming from a Java background, so I'm used to store stuff in classes.

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pjozsef Avatar asked Mar 25 '16 22:03


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1 Answers

As far as I am concerned, you should put them into a utility file, as you did in Java code base before.

But mention, you no longer need to put them into a class. Top-level functions are the best choice.

You can refer to the kotlin standard library or some open source projects like anko, those would be good examples.

In my case, I put extensions of one class into a file which have the same name of the original file in another package, and use


to reduce the number of generated class files.

like image 128
ice1000 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
