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How to optionally pass an optional parameter?



Is there an easier (and cleaner) way to pass an optional parameter from one function to another than doing this:

void optional1({num x, num y}) {
  if (?x && ?y) {
    optional2(x: x, y: y);
  } else if (?x) {
    optional2(x: x);
  } else if (?y) {
    optional2(y: y);
  } else {

void optional2({num x : 1, num y : 1}) {

The one I actually want to call is:

void drawImage(canvas_OR_image_OR_video, num sx_OR_x, num sy_OR_y, [num sw_OR_width, num height_OR_sh, num dx, num dy, num dw, num dh])

At least I don't get a combinatorial explosion for positional optional parameters but I'd still like to have something simpler than lot's of if-else.

I have some code that uses the solution proposed in the first answer (propagating default values of named optional parameters, but I lose the ability to check whether or not the value was provided by the initial caller).

like image 641
Dennis Kaselow Avatar asked Jan 30 '13 20:01

Dennis Kaselow

People also ask

How do you pass an optional parameter?

By Params Keyword: You can implement optional parameters by using the params keyword. It allows you to pass any variable number of parameters to a method. But you can use the params keyword for only one parameter and that parameter is the last parameter of the method.

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You can define Python function optional arguments by specifying the name of an argument followed by a default value when you declare a function. You can also use the **kwargs method to accept a variable number of arguments in a function.

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1 Answers

I've been burned by this corner of Dart several times. My current guidelines, which I encourage anyone to adopt are:

  1. Do not use default values. Instead, use the implicit default of null and check for that in the body of the function. Document what value will be used if null is passed.
  2. Do not use the ? argument test operator. Instead, just test for null.

This makes not passing an argument and explicitly passing null exactly equivalent, which means you can always forward by explicitly passing an argument.

So the above would become:

void optional1({num x, num y}) {
  optional2(x: x, y: y);

/// [x] and [y] default to `1` if not passed.
void optional2({num x, num y}) {
   if (x == null) x = 1;
   if (y == null) y = 1;

I think this pattern is cleaner and easier to maintain that using default values and avoids the nasty combinatorial explosion when you need forward. It also avoids duplicating default values when you override a method or implement an interface with optional parameters.

However, there is one corner of the Dart world where this doesn't work: the DOM. The ? operator was designed specifically to address the fact that there are some JavaScript DOM methods where passing null is different from passing undefined (i.e. not passing anything).

If you're trying to forward to a DOM method in Dart that internally uses ? then you will have to deal with the combinatorial explosion. I personally hope we can just fix those APIs.

But if you're just writing your own Dart code, I really encourage you to avoid default values and ? entirely. Your users will thank you for it.

like image 180
munificent Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09
