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How to optimize migrations in Django 1.8

I'm using Django 1.8 and have an app with over 100 files in the migration folder. Is there a way in Django without deleting the files to "compress" or "optimise" these migrations so I don't have so many of them?

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Prometheus Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 01:12


1 Answers

Have you read this part from the django docs?

Squashing migrations¶

You are encouraged to make migrations freely and not worry about how many you have; the migration code is optimized to deal with hundreds at a time without much slowdown. However, eventually you will want to move back from having several hundred migrations to just a few, and that’s where squashing comes in.

Source: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/migrations/

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het.oosten Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 02:12
