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How to optimize for integer parameters (and other discontinuous parameter space) in R?

How does one optimize if the parameter space is only integers (or is otherwise discontinuous)?

Using an integer check in optim() does not seem to work and would be very inefficient anyways.

fr <- function(x) {   ## Rosenbrock Banana function
  x1 <- x[1]
  x2 <- x[2]
  value<-100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2

  check.integer <- function(N){
    !length(grep("[^[:digit:]]", as.character(N)))

  if(!all(check.integer(abs(x1)), check.integer(abs(x2)))){

optim(c(-2,1), fr)
like image 631
Etienne Low-Décarie Avatar asked Jun 19 '12 23:06

Etienne Low-Décarie

3 Answers

Here are a few ideas.

1. Penalized optimization. You could round the arguments of the objective function and add a penalty for non-integers. But this creates a lot of local extrema, so you may prefer a more robust optimization routine, e.g., differential evolution or particle swarm optimization.

fr <- function(x) {
  x1 <- round( x[1] )
  x2 <- round( x[2] )
  value <- 100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2
  penalty <- (x1 - x[1])^2 + (x2 - x[2])^2
  value + 1e3 * penalty

# Plot the function
x <- seq(-3,3,length=200)
z <- outer(x,x, Vectorize( function(u,v) fr(c(u,v)) ))
  theta = 30, phi = 30, expand = 0.5, col = "lightblue", border=NA,
  ltheta = 120, shade = 0.75, ticktype = "detailed")

perspective plot

  las=1, useRaster=TRUE,
  xlab="x", ylab="y"

image plot

# Minimize
DEoptim(fr, c(-3,-3), c(3,3))$optim$bestmem
psoptim(c(-2,1), fr, lower=c(-3,-3), upper=c(3,3))
DEopt(fr, list(min=c(-3,-3), max=c(3,3)))$xbest
PSopt(fr, list(min=c(-3,-3), max=c(3,3)))$xbest

2. Exhaustive search. If the search space is small, you can also use a grid search.

gridSearch(fr, list(seq(-3,3), seq(-3,3)))$minlevels

3. Local search, with user-specified neighbourhoods. Without tweaking the objective function, you could use some form of local search, in which you can specify which points to examine. This should be much faster, but is extremely sensitive to the choice of the neighbourhood function.

# Unmodified function
f <- function(x) 
  100 * (x[2] - x[1] * x[1])^2 + (1 - x[1])^2

# Neighbour function
# Beware: in this example, with a smaller neighbourhood, it does not converge.
neighbour <- function(x,...)
  x + sample(seq(-3,3), length(x), replace=TRUE)

# Local search (will get stuck in local extrema)
LSopt(f, list(x0=c(-2,1), neighbour=neighbour))$xbest
# Threshold Accepting
TAopt(f, list(x0=c(-2,1), neighbour=neighbour))$xbest

4. Tabu search. To avoid exploring the same points again and again, you can use tabu search, i.e., remember the last k points to avoid visiting them again.

get_neighbour_function <- function(memory_size = 100, df=4, scale=1){
  # Static variables
  already_visited <- NULL
  i <- 1
  # Define the neighbourhood
  values <- seq(-10,10)
  probabilities <- dt(values/scale, df=df)
  probabilities <- probabilities / sum(probabilities)
  # The function itself
  function(x,...) {
    if( is.null(already_visited) ) {
      already_visited <<- matrix( x, nr=length(x), nc=memory_size )
    # Do not reuse the function for problems of a different size
    stopifnot( nrow(already_visited) == length(x) )
    candidate <- x
    for(k in seq_len(memory_size)) {
      candidate <- x + sample( values, p=probabilities, length(x), replace=TRUE )
      if( ! any(apply(already_visited == candidate, 2, all)) )
    if( k == memory_size ) {
      cat("Are you sure the neighbourhood is large enough?\n")
    if( k > 1 ) {
      cat("Rejected", k - 1, "candidates\n")
    if( k != memory_size ) {
      already_visited[,i] <<- candidate
      i <<- (i %% memory_size) + 1

In the following example, it does not really work: we only move to the nearest local minimum. And in higher dimensions, things get even worse: the neighbourhood is so large that we never hit the cache of already visited points.

f <- function(x) {
  result <- prod( 2 + ((x-10)/1000)^2 - cos( (x-10) / 2 ) )  
  cat(result, " (", paste(x,collapse=","), ")\n", sep="")
plot( seq(0,1e3), Vectorize(f)( seq(0,1e3) ) )

LSopt(f, list(x0=c(0,0), neighbour=get_neighbour_function()))$xbest
TAopt(f, list(x0=c(0,0), neighbour=get_neighbour_function()))$xbest
optim(c(0,0), f, gr=get_neighbour_function(), method="SANN")$par

Differential evolution works better: we only get a local minimum, but it is better than the nearest one.

g <- function(x) 
  f(x) + 1000 * sum( (x-round(x))^2 )
DEoptim(g, c(0,0), c(1000,1000))$optim$bestmem

Tabu search is often used for purely combinatorial problems (e.g., when the search space is a set of trees or graphs) and does not seem to be a great idea for integer problems.

like image 114
Vincent Zoonekynd Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10

Vincent Zoonekynd

Integer Programming (IP) has its own rules and algorithms. Using a continuous solver does not make much sense. R does not have a specialized integer programming solver, but you could try:

  • If your function is linear use one of the mixed integer programming solvers such as lp_solve as "lpSolve" in R or GLPK as "Rglpk" in R.

  • Otherwise, you might try optim with method "SANN", a simulated annealing approach, about which the documentation says:

"It uses only function values but is relatively slow... If a function to generate a new candidate point is given, method 'SANN' can also be used to solve combinatorial optimization problems... Note that the 'SANN' method depends critically on the settings of the control parameters."

Here is an example with the translated sphere function in [-10,10]x[-10,10]:

fun <- function(x) sum((x-c(3.2, 6.7))^2)
nextfun <- function(x) sample(-10:10, 2, replace=TRUE)

optim(fn=fun, par=c(-10,-10), gr=nextfun, method="SANN", 

# sann objective function values
# initial       value 458.000000
# iter      999 value 0.000000
# final         value 0.000000
# sann stopped after 999 iterations
# $par
# [1] 3 7
# $value
# [1] 0.13

But you should apply a more intelligent 'gradient' that random sampling, or a complete search through your domain of integers if nothing else helps. Of course, in higher dimensions a specialized approach will be needed.

like image 31
Hans W. Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10

Hans W.

There are new packages available in R which allow the use of discontinuous input parameters (For instance integer) in optimization programs. One of them is rgenoud

Using the option "data.type.int=TRUE" and by setting the correct boundaries the function will use only integers to minimize or maximize a given function.

Underneath rgenoud uses stats::optim() For optimization. Therefore the user is able to pass any options to rgenoud it would normally pass to optim()

like image 24
Timror Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10
