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How to Open an Existing SVN Project in Eclipse




I just started a new project which has previously been developed in Eclipse. I have not used Eclipse since 2006 and it was for a short non-SVN-controlled project at that time. I have extensive experience with NetBeans and Visual Studio.

The code base is in an SVN repository. I have installed Eclipse (Helios) and TortiseSVN and downloaded the source. I see that there is a .project file and that it contains some eclipse references.

I would like to import the project so that I can edit the files under SVN control. I would then like to either commit the files via the Tortoise client, or more ideally, directly in Eclipse.

I have already reviewed a couple of web sites and questions on this forum, but have not been able to find a how to for this particular use case.

like image 937
Guido Anselmi Avatar asked May 19 '11 17:05

Guido Anselmi

People also ask

How do I view SVN history in Eclipse?

Window -> Preferences -> Team -> SVN -> Default number of log messages. Or you can press the ">|" button to see the complete history.

How does SVN work in Eclipse?

SVN or Subversion is a software versioning tool. To ensure that everyone has updated code, their changes can be merged using SVN. SVN must be installed on a central server in case of official projects. Apart from this, to use SVN properly you must integrate it with your Eclipse IDE.

How do I open subclipse in Eclipse?

Open Eclipse. In the Available Software dialog that opens, carefully type http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.8.x in the Work with: field and press Enter. Case matters, and NO spaces! After several seconds, three checkboxes will appear.

What is SVN repository in Eclipse?

Eclipse is an open-source and free, java-based development platform. It is well known for its excellent plug-ins that allow developers to develop and test code written in different programming languages. Eclipse IDE support built-in integration for Subversion.

1 Answers

  • You'll first need to install an SVN plugin for Eclipse - check out Subclipse.

  • The answers to this question document the steps for checking out from an SVN repository.


  • You'll find the commands for SVN under the Team sub-menu when you right click on your project.

  • I've had trouble in the past when connecting to SVN repositories using the svn+ssh:// protocol - a quick fix is to change the SVN interface (under Window > Preferences > Team > SVN) to the pure Java option (SVNKit IIRC).

like image 139
no.good.at.coding Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11
